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I need some advise and my mom is not available..

We received some sad news about an hour ago, my youngest son Brian's (17 years old) best friends parents just came over to tell him/us that Steve (his best friend) had died Tuesday while on vacation out of state. It was a swimming accident.

They didn't go into alot of details so I didn't ask alot of questions.. They just thought it was important that they be the ones to tell Brian, they didnt want him to "hear" about it on AOL IM or something like that.

Brian of course is in shock, and unconsolable right now.. I did what he asked and have left him alone for a little while to listen to his music but anyone here have any advise for me on how to help Brian get through this? Unfortunately, Brian's girlfriend is on vacation so she can't be with him, and now he has to call her and tell her as well.

Steve stayed at our house the night before he left for vacation and was so excited about going.. I will never forget his laugh and smart *** jokes Smile.

Also, please pray for Steve, his friends and especially his parents.. What strength they showed tonite, coming straight here from the airport where they flew their son home, to be here for Brian. I don't know if I could do that..


_______________ "Baseball, it is said, is only a game. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole." "JustMom"
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I will pray for Brian, and Steve's family...this is way too tragic for everyone involved...

May God give strength during this time.

I cannot express my own shock at reading your post.

Do keep checking on Brian and offer him a hug...a touch on the shoulder...see if he wants to there (I'm sure you will)

It's hard to know what to do...but your support is obvious and will be needed...

I will remember you...and yours...


Prayers coming from the Valley. Very hard to figure out the ups and downs of the Master's plans, especially with something like this, but all we can do is hold on to our our faith and trust that He knows what He's doing. I'm not one to believe that every move we make is scripted and choreographed on high, life happens, but I firmly believe we are being watched over constantly and I pray your son and his friend's family and friends will find solace there. Very tough to handle and I'll pray for ya'll.

Your post brought back painful memories for me. I lost my best friend in an accident when I was 18. It was devastating for me. The only advise I can offer is to be there for your son. He will need the opportunity to grieve, to cry and to talk....when he is ready. His family and friends can help him through it, in time. Our prayers are with you all.
Justmom...have been thinking of you and hope that your son is finding strength in his friends and family. I am sure that your presence helps. Sometimes there is not much more that we can do than to let them know we too are grieving and that we are there for them if they want to talk. Silent presence can be comfort sometimes, I think. Best wishes; this is so very sad.

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