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Ok, I am the kind of player that really gets into the game and I have been known to let the heat of the moment allow me to say some stupid things, but today I witnessed first hand what I would consider the most classless team I have ever stepped on a field with. Chants from the Glenbard North dugout included, "hey centerfielder, you have a glove for a reason! Use it!" "Hey lets show this pitcher how much he really sucks!" and "Hey buddy why don't you go grab some pine!"

I am all about being loud and crazy and supporting your team but holy cow, I think there is a line that shouldn't be crossed.
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Unfortunately this type of behavior seems to be becoming more common. Without mentioning teams, I have seen this at several games already this season. I have also seen one coach thankfully put a quick stop to it. During one game two "fans" were told to leave by the umpire when their heckling of the opposing team and abusive language crossed the line. I agree with eg12, who seems to make a lot of good comments, it is really up to the coaches. Cheer for your team and your teammates, and show respect for the other team, no matter who they may be.
Originally posted by eg12:
Any team that does and says such things has coaching problems, however, why not just take it and be the better team? There is no need to come onto a forum and bash a school. If that is what they want to do, then so be it.

I in no way believe I have bashed Glenbard North. I just used them as an example of what I am seeing and hearing much more often when I step on the field. What ever happened to just letting your skills speak for themselves.
I think that showing an opposing team respect not only shows them the type of player you are...but the type of person you are off the field... If a team is up by a bunch or down by a bunch...or its a close game...theres no need to try to knock a team out of a game by being disrespectful to them or to their coaches and fans..I love it when the game is played the way its supposed to and sure there may be a little room for some trash talking but there is no room in this game for a player to yell out to a pitcher that he sucks or something along the line. High School baseball gets intense because everyone wants to end the year with a win and there are only 2 teams in this state that can do that... (class A and AA champs) but there are so many different ways to pump up your team than to disrespect the opposition...who doesnt want to come through with that big hit or that awesome play to spark a high school players need to do that the right way and not disrespect sorry if some dont agree with me but that is how i see it
naw man, I totally agree with you on this one. It really sucks because a lot of players today are giving baseball a bad rap. That being said, if you have the talent to brag, then there is no need to because as a pitcher I am a lot more impressed when hitters act like they know how to hit a baseball, instead of rubbing in every single time they get on base. It is also much more frustrating when a guy hits a double off the wall and stands quietly on 2nd base like it was nothing.

I am not sure who is throwing for Geneva each day, but I can guarantee we will see Allen and Young. My guess is that I will throw against Young on wednesday since it will be his last home game against us. That's just a thought though.
It is also much more frustrating when a guy hits a double off the wall and stands quietly on 2nd base like it was nothing

Im not sure if i understood you right TGONG but i do know that when a guy hits a double off the walla and is fired up, it brings more flare to the game for both teams because each team sees how the momentumm can change in one at bat and not by trash talking....i enjoy getting compliments about the way i play the game but i dont go out and brag ...there is no need to when people rexognize it on there own...i agree with you 100% and good luck with a former teamatte of Brad Allens when he played for RM travelers and i played with Dan Young in a couple of tourneys last summer
Ok, so I would say we were pretty focused today. We took care of Allen and Geneva 11-1 in 5 innings. I was surprised that Allen was as ineffective as he was, although there was some rumor that his back was bothering him...

Probably the biggest play of the day happened in the 1st when Dan messed up his ankle pretty good trying to make a play at 2nd. I talked to him after the game and he says he wants to throw against us, but he looked pretty banged up.

I've just read your last few're a classy player...keep it is appreciated and admired.

Your attributes will serve you well down the road...make sure you keep playing for a coach that values your good sportsmanship.



I've just finished reading your recent posts're classy like LP's real nice to see the class you two have.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
first off, thank you very much gotwood for your comments. As LP has said, I just love going out and playing the game with class and it just bugs me when others don't do the same.

bakinill, Allen hit 85 today but dropped off in the 4th and 5th. His curve was fairly effective today (i believe he had upwards of 6 k's) but we did hit the ball whenever he made a mistake. the combination of 3 first inning runs plus danny's injury really seemed to take away all enthusiasm they came to the park with. hopefully I can keep our momentum going tomorrow on the mound. thanks again gotwood.
Originally posted by Youre sick.:
if u guys want to see real heckling....come to the lane-clemente game at lane, may 15th, 4:00....standing room only.

Although u may hear some heckling from the fans i can assure u u wont hear it from either dugout.Both these teams are well coached and have great respect for the game. GO CLEMENTE!!!!

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