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I suspect the title of this post might have got your attention. It would seem that I am advocating having catchers stop doing something that catchers have always been told and taught to do. Actually I am advocating having them use proper receiving techniques, and avoid some of the techniques that have become commonplace in catching over the years that do not increase the number of strikes called, and I believe actually contribute to close strikes being called as balls. I see so many students come for instruction with the idea that “Framing” is a technique that will fool an umpire into thinking a pitch that is a ball is really a strike. I ask all new students what they believe framing does, and that is almost always their answer, regardless of the age of the catcher.

I will explain my position on “Framing” by explaining the 4 Laws of Good Receiving that I teach all my students.

I explain to my students that they need to go behind the plate with these 4 laws firmly imbedded in their technique to be the best receivers they can be.

Law #1 “The Size of the Plate is Determined by the Umpire”

I ask all new students this question. “How big is home plate??”
I will get all sorts of answers from possible dimensions; to the size I (the catcher) makes it look. I guide their thinking to end up with the conclusion that the umpire decides how wide the plate is, the umpire decides how big the strike zone is. It is their job as a good receiver to figure out quickly how the umpire sees the strike zone and how he/she is calling the pitches. It is then their job to work with their pitcher to see that as many pitches as possible are in that zone. Understanding full well that sometimes the correct place to put a pitch in certain situations in the count is low and away, or maybe even in the dirt.

Law #2 “ It’s a Catcher’s Job to Keep Strikes Looking like Strikes”

This is where my teaching tends to go against the flow a little. I do not want to see my catchers catching a pitch that clearly is a ball and pulling, pushing, or somehow moving the glove to try and reposition the pitch at a spot they feel will get them a strike call. I don’t want them trying to “Make a ball look like a strike”. The best way to keep a strike looking like a strike is to never do anything that would make it look like a ball. The next 2 Laws discuss ways to accomplish that.

Law# 3 “Beat the Ball to The Spot”

My goal for my catchers is that their movements behind the plate when they receive are smooth, “quiet”, and not hurried. They set the target with their glove in the middle of their body. The goal is to have adjusted their position so that their glove is in position to catch the ball before the ball gets there. They want their glove to “Beat the Ball to the Spot”. Have the glove already positioned at the spot they’ll catch it before the ball gets there. This is accomplished as follows. Their feet are turned up the lines, and their heels are in contact with the ground as well as the balls of their feet. This makes it easy for them to receive any pitch that catches even the edge of the plate by shifting their weight that direction. They still keep the glove in the middle of their body. They can avoid “reaching” for pitches using this technique. When shifting their weight toward the ball they are able to keep their shoulders level at all times. The look they present to the umpire is one of control, and one that says that this pitch is being caught on the catcher’s midline, it must be a strike. Often times a catcher doesn’t shift his weight and reaches for the ball on the outside of the plate, even though it may be a close strike, by reaching at the last minute the message sent is that this pitch is not where the catcher wanted it and you may loose the strike call. Have the catcher get the glove to the contact point ahead of the ball.

This technique is done in addition to proper handling of the glove to assure that all parts of the glove are in the strike zone when the ball is caught. Imagine a catcher catches a ball on the inside edge to a right-hander, and has his thumb in the 6-oclock position when the ball hits it.
To make that catch he will have to allow his left elbow to go to the left to get the glove in position. His elbow will now be nearly a foot left of the edge of the strike zone. Also over half of the glove will be to the left of the strike zone. So even if the ball is cleanly a strike, all kinds of signals are being sent that this pitch is too far inside.

If the catcher makes a few subtle changes he will ensure that he isn’t doing anything to make this strike look like a ball. First he sets up with his thumb set between 2 and 3-oclock. This positions his elbow to bend down, not out to the left. He shifts his weight to the left, and positions his glove to catch the left half of the ball. His hand rotates slightly so his thumb is between 12 and 1 o-clock. The ball flies past the front edge of the glove and is caught in the back half of the pocket. The back edge of the glove is vertical, so no part of the glove is out of the strike zone. Since the elbow bent down, no part of the left arm is out of the strike zone. We have caught a close strike and did nothing to make it look like a ball.

Law#4 “The Glove Never Moves After the Ball Hits It”

One of the main techniques that many players think is part of good receiving is moving the glove after the ball hits it to a spot that will more likely get them the strike call. I have always felt that most of the technique is insulting to the umpire. He can hear the ball hit the glove, so what’s the point to drag or pull the ball somewhere it wasn’t. I teach that if the technique I have described above is employed then you will maximize your strike calls and build a better relationship with the umpire by not trying to move a pitch after it hits the glove.

In conclusion: I don’t teach framing. I teach good sound receiving. Just be concerned with keeping strikes looking like strikes and you will succeed as a catcher.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
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Catching Coach,
I certainly have appreciated your excellent posts on catching technique. I only wish I had this instruction 30 years ago when I was in high school! "You have to block the ball in the dirt," and "You have to make a quick throw to second" was about the extent of my instruction. I have never really heard a precise definition for framing and have sometimes been confused. You have certainly cleared alot up for me.
okay makes sense to me. what do you think about "sticking it" vs receiveing with soft hands. i teach framining but instead of catching with a hard hand to 'stick it" we catch and frame but give a little. or soft hands. your ideas? we don't jerk the mitt or move. still keeping strikes, strikes etc. some high school catchers, catching an 85+ pitcher, have a hard time with the "sticking it" process
Coach, interesting and very good post. My sons catching coach would agree with you completely. In fact, he doesn't allow the term "framing" to ever be used by any of his catchers. It may just be a mindset, but he believes they have to learn to "control the flight of the ball", rather than frame the pitch. To some, it might sound ridiculous, but he's trying to teach these players that how they catch the pitch will influence the strike or ball call far more than what they do jerking their glove into the zone after they've caught it.
Catching Coach,
One of the best threads I've read on the subject in a while. I see guys 16,17,18's all trying to sell pitches that aren't even close to the strike zone.
When my son an 05 was twelve his catching coach was from Northeastern University in Oklahoma,he quickly told him to stop "framing" pitches that weren't in the strike zone. That stopped the jerking,now he only sells pitches that are over the umpires strike zone.
Do you teach catching out in front or are you more in favor of letting pitches get deep?

I teach receiving everthing out front except the curve. Seen so many strikes lost on curves because the catcher didn't wait long enough for the pitch to do all it's breaking. I teach to catch it deep. I tell them, wait on the curve, wait some more, and when you're done that...wait some more.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results

1. Receiving the low fastball..pinky up?? If I get the picture you are asking if I teach to turn the palm up on the low FB. So my pinky would be pointed up.

I teach that in all positions around the strike zone you only catch half of the ball. For the low pitch I rotate the wrist so the pocket of the glove is facing the ground. I catch the "top half" of the ball, then draw the glove back, and slightly up. The low pitch is the only pitch I teach where the glove does move after the ball hits it. I have found that catching a low strike with the palm up is making it look like a ball.

2. I believe that I want my catchers to present a solid, consistant look to the umpires. Their glove started in the middle of their body it should finish there. Since their toes are turned up the lines it is very easy to shift their weight towards the side of the plate where the ball is, (swaying as you call it) and receive the pitch with the glove still in the middle of the body. Many close pitches on the outside have been called balls because a catcher reached for the ball and made it look too far out to be called a strike.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
1. I think pinky up and thumb down. Rather than sinking your thumb under the ball with your palm down, make the Aloha sign with your pinky and thumb. Turn it so your pinky is at 12 o'clock and the thumb is at 6 o'clock. receive in the middle of your body. Again, this is how Posada works the low pitch. Your
description of how you receive the low pitch seems like traditional type framing to me.

2. I agree with you on this one.
CC: This is good stuff. So much of this site (and others) is dominated by pitching and hitting mechanics/theories. If every position player studied the 'mechanics' of their position as much as pitchers, we'd have better defenses! My youngest son is just learning how to work behind the plate and I will put your theories to work on him. At summer camp, all he heard was "framing", but not in the way you're talking about. This camp was teaching that the catcher should catch the ball then quickly jerk the glove in over the zone - just seemed weird to me. When I played (pitcher) the onus was on the pitcher to hit his spots, not on the catcher to try and airbrush every pitch. Maybe this says something about the new quest for velocity at the possible expense of impeccable control.

"Son, when you pitch a strike, Mr. Hornsby will let you know."
CC----I agree with avoiding the concept of 'framing' as it is often used. I did not allow my college catchers to try to frame theball either.

On the other hand, I do disagree with the idea of catching the breaking ball 'deep' as you say. I have always taught my catchers to catch the breaking ball 'before it leaves the strike zone', therefore the idea of catching it deep will most often wind up being caught too low, inside, or outside.

Another one of the reasons posting is difficult sometime is that you think you wrote something that you didn't. The comment on catching a curve deep was added in a reply without thinking the response through fully. What I tell my catchers is exactly what you said.

But what I warn them is that they may need to catch it deep when it is only catching the strike zone as it passes the plate. Ball that begins to cross plate at top of zone, catch it deep after it drops through zone after the plate.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
Originally posted by redbird5:

The swaying is very quiet. Very subtle.

We are all in agreement!!! The key here is that too often catchers reach for pitches that are near the corners without swaying at all. The reaching can cause a close strike to appear to be a ball. By swaying a little towards that side and keeping the glove near the middle of our body we continue to send the message that this pitch is on the plate and deserves to be called a strike.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
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I have a thought and would like to know what others think.

I think much of this can be answered by getting the catcher up under the hitter.
Most catchers today are to far back in the box.

I believe that the catcher should be up under the hitter. He should almost be able to reach out and touch the batters back knee.

With the catcher up under the hitter he will get more strike calls especially on breaking balls. This will remove the need to "stick It". Let me know you thoughts.
Catching Coach, would you agree that when you say get to the pitch, that you are also saying "stay outside" the ball? I have used this phrase in coaching our catchers. In other words, if you reach then pull back your are reactionary. If you have location called and your pitcher locates, then if you think stay outside the ball with the mitt, on reception there is no need to rotate the mitt back into the stikezone. Thoughts?

"There comes a time when you have to stop dreaming of the man you want to be and start being the man you have become." Bruce Springsteen
What I tell my students is to "Catch the Outside half of the ball" . That keeps them set up on the outside as you said. The point is that this technique keeps a strike looking like a strike since now the glove is completely in the strike zone as well. Nothing hanging over the edge of the zone into "Ball" territory.

Keep a strike a strike is many timnes accomplished by not doing anything to make it look like a ball.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
coach b25,
i think that catching and rotating is the first step to learning how catch the outer half. then as the catcher gets more adept at it, he then starts to catch the outer half. jmo
probably as a freshman he will do more catch and rotate but by the time he is a soph he should be catching the outer half.
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red bird that is great,
one thing he MAY have to do as he moves up, and velocities increase, is to revert back to catch and rotate for about a day or two, until he gets use to the increase in velocity. i remember the first time i squatted down to catch a 90 mph fastball in college. took me by suprise. also took me a couple of days to "catch up" with the change. good luck

It is so great to have found others that teach this subtle, but important skill. Catching the correct half of the ball needs to be part of a young catchers instruction right from the beginning.

I also encourage all my catchers that when they have a catch with someone to play catch like a catcher. Catch the outer half, or top half for a pitch right at them even when they are playing catch. You will play like you practice.

Remind them that a good test to be sure that they have positioned the glove correctly is that from the time the ball hits the glove the pitcher should not be able to see the ball in their glove. If he can they need to check their position.

Kid with a 90MPH fastball......Potential

Kid with a 90MPH fastball and a great catcher....Results
Talked with an old "Cathing Coach" last night and we talked about framing. Essentially, he agreed with most of what is posted here although he had one question. I will post that. What do you do with the boarderline ball that is headed at the catcher's toe and droping? His suggestion was catch the ball "picking cherries" and pull your elbow back to your side or belly button. Thoughts?

"There comes a time when you have to stop dreaming of the man you want to be and start being the man you have become." Bruce Springsteen

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