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" Vorshem™ Infused Alloy to give you the supreme performance of any bat available - it's pretty serious. And our Elite Balance System and Power Embedded End-Cap give you the control/power combo you need to wreak havoc at the plate. The full utilization of our PBDx Technology Platform..."

What a joke, or marketer's dream. Not taking a shot at Kelley, all the bat manufacturers are the same. Hype & paint are about the only difference in all the bats.
Hello Everyone:

We typically don't post on message boards because we fear the wrath of angry posters who bash those companies that try to advertise on boards for free... anyhow, I just wanted to clear up a couple of things:

1. No, the N.Fuego is not a painted Havoc. Nor is it a painted Stealth, Black Magic or anything else. It's genuine Kelley.

2. Believe it or not, there IS a big difference between the bats on the market - outside of the paint finish, grip, end cap, etc. The alloys used are a very big deal. Different alloys give bats different tensile and yield strengths - these relate directly to the hardness of a bat and the give of the barrel. In addition, just as important, is the balance point - which helps to determine what the moment of inertia is for each bat. And on and on and on.

Again, we're not on here to sell our gear - just to clear some things up. Okay, now have your fun and bash our post.

Kelley USA
Kelley -- we're having more fun with Napolean Dynamite than anything else. Your products continue to have a good reputation. You have to admit, convincing a kid (or his parents) that a new bat with the latest alloy will improve his game is a key ingredient in a bat-maker's success. The first baseball pictures on the UT web-site show Jordan Danks swinging a new TPX Exogrid -- with some mighty new technology, I'm sure. Despite the new tools, the Horns went 0-3 in San Diego.

All three of my sons have used Kelley gloves in the past. Keep up the good work.

It's not the bat, it's the kid that is swinging it.

You can give my 4 hole hitter and my 9 hole hitter the same bat. After a round of BP, I bet they stay in the same spots of the batting order.

We baseball people are so mental. If we believed hitting with a broken wooden bat could help us...we'd use it. If I thought wearing my wife's fishnet stockings under my baseball uniform would help us win the district title...I'd do it! Wait...did I just say that out loud? haha

Now, I know that these bats are better than my 1989 green easton that I used in college. But how much better are these bats of today better than each other?
Originally posted by Kelley:
Hello Everyone:

We typically don't post on message boards because we fear the wrath of angry posters who bash those companies that try to advertise on boards for free... anyhow, I just wanted to clear up a couple of things:

1. No, the N.Fuego is not a painted Havoc. Nor is it a painted Stealth, Black Magic or anything else. It's genuine Kelley.

2. Believe it or not, there IS a big difference between the bats on the market - outside of the paint finish, grip, end cap, etc. The alloys used are a very big deal. Different alloys give bats different tensile and yield strengths - these relate directly to the hardness of a bat and the give of the barrel. In addition, just as important, is the balance point - which helps to determine what the moment of inertia is for each bat. And on and on and on.

Again, we're not on here to sell our gear - just to clear some things up. Okay, now have your fun and bash our post.

Kelley USA

Thanks for the info Kelley. I agree that material makes a difference in bat performance - to a degree. However, I do have a question for all bat manufacturers. It is my understanding that the purpose of BESR (bat exit speed rating) certification is to limit the speed at which a ball comes off of the bat. This is primarily to protect the pitchers. It seems that this certification itself limits bat performance and renders high performance alloys more of a marketing tool than a difference maker. BESR is similar to restrictor plates in Nascar - they are both intended to limit speed.
Any clarification or information regarding BESR and how it relates to bat alloys is appreciated.
I posted something about the BESR and what it really meant in August, here is the post:

posted August 17, 2004 01:12 PM
Most people think of the Ball Exit Speed Ratio being no more than 92mph, well that's just false if you ask me.

Take a look at this link and do some calculations on your own to see how hard and fast some of the balls can come off the bat.

Ball Exit Speed Ratio

Now plug into the equation velocity of pitch at 80mph, and the bat velocity of 80mph. The BESR ratio is set at .728 (based on the studies).

I come up with a 116.48 mph missle coming off a bat.

I hope someone proves me wrong, just imagine an 90 mph pitch and a 80 mph swing. 118.76 mph


It's still a joke.

Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Repost Big Grin of a repost
Last edited by Glove Man
Rebel18 - you make a good point. There is a limit on how fast the ball can come off of any bat that meets the BESR requirement per the NCAA standards. Now what sets bats apart from one another will not be just how fast the ball comes off of the bat (trust me, we could make a bat with a titanium shell that would be phenomenal), but in other features of the bat.

The most important of these features is how forgiving the bat is. BESR takes a number of factors into account (too many if you ask me). But just because a bat meets the BESR standard, it doesn't mean that it performs up to the BESR max within the entire area of the said sweet spot. A forgiving bat continues to give you good performance even when you don't hit the ball in the sweetest spot of the bat. This term is often used in golf as well. Our tests have shown that many bats are very sporadic in how fast the ball comes off of the bat from hit to it - bad consistency - not very forgiving. Our alloy happens to be very forgiving. We will publish the study from Rochester, NY Frozen Ropes soon.

Another factor of the bat is balance. Many bats these days are end weighted. Ours is even balanced. We feel like an even balanced bat allows for better bat control and a better ability to get the bat into the zone.

Finally, one more factor I will bring up that sets bats apart from one another is durability. Has anyone ever had a bat crack or break in half on them? The right combination of metals is crucial in the formation of an alloy for baseball bats. Some companies promote the use of certain ingredients the means for them to have a better bat. I won't get into which ingredients or which companies... but they do this as a standout material that the customer will focus on so that they believe that bat is the best bat out. We believe that the best alloy is designed when using the best ingredients that work best together. For example, the best teams are not formed by having power hitters 1 through 9. The best teams are formed by having the best combination of players with different talents 1 through 9.
Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
My son struckout 15 times during the scrimmages...Do I need to get rid of him? Sorry guys the weather has me bored. Who has info on a good tennis racket? Cool

The latest greatest bat is supposed to be the Louisville Exo Grid Bat. This bat is completely sold out almost everywhere. It is back ordered at all most all stores and internet sites.

Nike will let you try their new Aero Torque bat at no charge for 2 weeks.

Is their any scientific to tell which is the best bat by BESA testing or any other method.
Originally posted by LIONS:
Originally posted by swingdoctor14:
My son struckout 15 times during the scrimmages...Do I need to get rid of him? Sorry guys the weather has me bored. Who has info on a good tennis racket? Cool

The latest greatest bat is supposed to be the Louisville Exo Grid Bat. This bat is completely sold out almost everywhere. It is back ordered at all most all stores and internet sites.

Nike will let you try their new Aero Torque bat at no charge for 2 weeks.

Is their any scientific to way tell which is the best bat by BESA testing or any other method.

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