your comments on your son's mental attitude reminds me of just exactly how my mental attitude was even after I quit competing as a youth and as an adult in hockey and baseball, I took competing absolutely too serious, to the point where I simply could not handle personal or team defeat, not just final defeat but those individual defeats that come when one does not hit every time,and is not perfect in the field etc, one simply cannot enjoy playing ball while being in this negative state of mind, I destroyed an excellent opportunity to advance as far as I possibly could while playing professional baseball with my negative attitude the only time I could keep my mind on my game was when I was having a good game, After having a banner season which I will never forget I became very disgusted with my play and just like a fool simply walked away which has and will always keep wondering just how far could have gone?
Allin All I have accomplished one thing out of it all, I have studied baseball from the most experienced and knowledgeable baseball teachers in sports and in my opinion I have become an excellent student,teacher and coach, only after I put together my positive mental aspects,such as, learning and how to dwell on the fact that"YOUR MIND""LEADS OUR body""LETTING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ENTER YOUR MIND""CREATES NEGATIVE BODY controlling ACTIONS""HAVE A PLEASANT""POSITIVE MIND" "AND YOU WILL ENJOY WHATEVER IT IS YOU ARE DOING" as you go along Find out the things you can control and the things you cannot control, Dwell only on the things you can control.
well I could go on and on but I should close now.
you and your son Listen to Mr. Dorfmans advice very closely and the very best of luck with your son's positive change of mental mind.
Playing college and pro ball is much,much fun.
Here is Mr. Marv Fremerman's contact source, he is a news paper cloumnist and Performance Enhancement Trainer/Consultant who specializes in motivational psychology and the building of self-esteem and has been doing so for three decades.
One of his books is "Mind over sports", A Performance enhancement program,for athletes, coaches and parents, 213 pages, another book, "Mind over sports"The relationship Of self esteem to athletic performance, a book for athletes, coaches and parents, 118 pages, these titles are on the front of each book.
These people certainly teach you and your son many things on the positive mental side of one's mind, remember, "YOUR MIND" "LEADS YOUR BODY"
Marv Fremmerman.
www.mindoversports.com669 West LaSalle Street
Springfield, Missouri 65807
Don Ervin