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Many of you know that we are blessed with a bunch of knowledgeable members who have so much insight into the game of baseball:

The head of a major scouting organization (PGStaff), parents of MLB and MiLB players (too numerous to list!), current and former players, baseball coaches at the LL thru college levels, and so many others who have experienced this game and the recruiting "game" and so generously share their knowledge.

I'm excited to add another great baseball mind to our community, who will be a "featured contributor" to this new forum, The Mental Game.

Many of you will recognize his name:

Harvey Dorfman, sports psychology expert and author of several books which are on many of our bookshelves, including:

  • The Mental Game of Baseball
  • Coaching the Mental Game
  • The Mental ABC’s of Pitching

Harvey is part of the team at our new sponsor 3P Sports, and has agreed to share some thoughts here with us in this new forum. He will not be able to answer all member questions, but will post some ideas and topics for us, and may be able to answer selected questions from time to time.

Welcome to Mr. Dorfman, and thank you to 3P Sports!

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Thanks for inviting me to join your forum concerning the topic I have been passionate about for many years... 'The Mental Game of Baseball'.

As you may know, I have authored several books on this topic and have worked with many MLB players (including some of the game's most outstanding players) on how to develop the mental discipline to perform their best on the ball field and off --- in competition and in their daily lives.

My goal is to tell young athletes and their parents about the performance behaviors and techniques (the mental side) that make success more likely. Many athletes have the natural talent to succeed; a great number, however, do not have the mental skills required to get the best out of that talent. Attitudes, which include approaches and responses, most often determine behavior. And appropriate behavior will greatly influence the outcome of athletic performance. If coaches (I include myself) and parents can positively impact our youth, everyone involved will succeed.

While I will contribute to the forum, I do want to set the right expectation. Because of my time constraints, I will not be able to answer everyone’s questions...assuming I receive any. What I intend to do is put an idea out there and allow you all to collaborate on it. From time to time I will respond to questions and continue the dialogue. Some of our other associates from 3P Sports will also contribute and provide their valuable insights.

Together we will cover topics such as goal setting, self talk, behaviors/thoughts that enable success and those that sabotage the athlete, mental keys and how they are used, dedication, preparation, confidence, visualization and more.

I look forward to working toward the goal of strengthening the minds of our youth -- and their parents, as well.
Last edited by MN-Mom
Together we will cover topics such as goal setting, self talk, behaviors/thoughts that enable success and those that sabotage the athlete, mental keys and how they are used, dedication, preparation, confidence, visualization and more.

Welcome to the hsbbweb!

I am curious about self-talk. Is that the inner voice that athletes sometimes use to beat themselves up when things don't go well? I noticed Tiger Woods was doing a lot of it yesterday. It seems the more he does it, the worse he plays.
Originally posted by Harvey Dorfman -3P Sports:
Thanks for inviting me to join your forum concerning the topic I have been passionate about for many years... 'The Mental Game of Baseball'.

Having taken classes from Dr. Harry Edwards and Dr. Bruce Olgivie, I look forward to reading some of your thoughts on this aspect of sport.

I will be frequenting this forum as the mental portion of my sons game is what needs the most improvememt.Every coach he has played for has commented on how talented he is but he needs to control his emotions/fustrations.I'm hoping this will get better as he matures like some of the other player on this site.I am allways open to suggestions.

Welcome Mr. Dorfman.

Your book "The Mental Game of Baseball" has been in my car for 4 years now and is the most informative sports related book I've read. I've highlighted many suggestions while waiting for practices to end. Although my son hasn't read the book I pass on many of your techniques and solutions.

My son experienced a perfect example of "self talk" one game. A couple of years ago he came in as a relief pitcher late in a game, with the bases loaded and his team winning by one run. With his very first pitch he hit the batter to tie the game. He went on to allow a few more runs and they lost the game. On the way home I asked him what happened with that pitch. He said that while warming up on the mound he kept telling himself "don't hit this kid, don't hit this kid." He talked himself right into hitting the kid.

This is exactly the types of things Mr. Dorfman talks about in the book. The power of suggestion. Keep the negative thoughts out of your head. Instead of thinking don't hit this kid, he should have been thinking "throw a strike" or some other positive thought.

What makes this book required reading for kids and parents are the examples of major leaguers experiencing the exact same doubting moments as high school players. If pros doubt themselves of course kids will, and this book gives them techniques on how to deal with the low moments.

Great addition Julie.
your comments on your son's mental attitude reminds me of just exactly how my mental attitude was even after I quit competing as a youth and as an adult in hockey and baseball, I took competing absolutely too serious, to the point where I simply could not handle personal or team defeat, not just final defeat but those individual defeats that come when one does not hit every time,and is not perfect in the field etc, one simply cannot enjoy playing ball while being in this negative state of mind, I destroyed an excellent opportunity to advance as far as I possibly could while playing professional baseball with my negative attitude the only time I could keep my mind on my game was when I was having a good game, After having a banner season which I will never forget I became very disgusted with my play and just like a fool simply walked away which has and will always keep wondering just how far could have gone?
Allin All I have accomplished one thing out of it all, I have studied baseball from the most experienced and knowledgeable baseball teachers in sports and in my opinion I have become an excellent student,teacher and coach, only after I put together my positive mental aspects,such as, learning and how to dwell on the fact that"YOUR MIND""LEADS OUR body""LETTING NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ENTER YOUR MIND""CREATES NEGATIVE BODY controlling ACTIONS""HAVE A PLEASANT""POSITIVE MIND" "AND YOU WILL ENJOY WHATEVER IT IS YOU ARE DOING" as you go along Find out the things you can control and the things you cannot control, Dwell only on the things you can control.
well I could go on and on but I should close now.
you and your son Listen to Mr. Dorfmans advice very closely and the very best of luck with your son's positive change of mental mind.
Playing college and pro ball is much,much fun.
Here is Mr. Marv Fremerman's contact source, he is a news paper cloumnist and Performance Enhancement Trainer/Consultant who specializes in motivational psychology and the building of self-esteem and has been doing so for three decades.
One of his books is "Mind over sports", A Performance enhancement program,for athletes, coaches and parents, 213 pages, another book, "Mind over sports"The relationship Of self esteem to athletic performance, a book for athletes, coaches and parents, 118 pages, these titles are on the front of each book.
These people certainly teach you and your son many things on the positive mental side of one's mind, remember, "YOUR MIND" "LEADS YOUR BODY"
Marv Fremmerman.
669 West LaSalle Street
Springfield, Missouri 65807
Don Ervin
The college my son is interetsed in going to has a new head coach who would like to see him attend and participate with 3psports. I had never heard of them and now I'm seeing them everywhere. It looks like they have every aspect covered... impressive knowing the mental game is included. The mental game of baseball is on our coffee table right now!

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