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Our members have great ideas! A couple of months ago, bbscout mentioned how many of our sons were moving on to the college and pro ranks, and the ensuing discussion prompted the addition of a popular new forum, Going Pro.

Krakatoa made another great suggestion today:

"I am compelled to write to you due to two discussions which are going on right now - "What is a good scholarship offer", and "DIII Recruiting". Both of these threads are so amazingly helpful that they need to be saved at some point. There have been many other threads that I've just hated to see disappear down through the pages, buried. I know people can go find stuff through the Search feature, but many don't bother and it is sometimes hard to wade through all the chaff to find that golden wheat!

"May I make a suggestion? ... there could be a Forum called "Golden Threads" where outstanding, informational threads can reside in perpetuity."

Thanks for the great idea, Krakatoa! I will plan to add the new Golden Threads forum in the next week or two. Meanwhile, if members would like to nominate any older threads for inclusion or "enshrinement" Smile in the new forum, please post a link to the thread here in this discussion.

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One possibility that comes to mind was the discussion on Racist Coaches that came up about the time Larry Cochell was fired. This thread was not so much for informational purposes but an airing out of many diverse views. Catfish posted one of the great posts I have read since becoming a member. Just about everybody who was anybody on the hsbbweb posted on this thread.

here is the link:

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