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I'm glad to see everyone is enjoying the new smilies! bye They were added due to requests by several members.

Other member requests have popped up several times in the past few months for some skill-specific forums, and these have just been added:
Hitting baseball7
Pitching baseball4
Catching baseball3

To try to keep things organized and help members find the topics they are most interested in, these skill forums have been added to a brand new category, SKILLS and TIPS, located just below this General Items category.

Also, a few existing forums have been moved to SKILLS and TIPS:
Coaches Tips
Ask the Umpire
Strength & Conditioning

We have also moved some existing threads to the new forums, but still more threads will need to be transferred.

Perhaps the new forums should come with a warning:

DUCK!!! boxing

Some of the hitting and pitching threads recently have gotten a bit "contentious", but it is my sincere hope that the topics can be discussed and debated in a civil and constructive way! chat

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