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All this talk about these elite teams and their animosity towards each other has inspired me.

I am starting a new Travel organization. It will operate under the following guidelines:

We will not charge for tryouts or call ourselves something like Mac N' Sietz or Midland.

We will not open a big baseball facility and charge for lessons, with or without a basketball team. Nor will we run summer or winter camps.

We will not claim to be scouts for professional baseball teams.

Our coaches will just teach baseball and support the kids, as well as give any appropriate recommedations to other coaches.

We will not lay claim to our former players whether they played one game or 100 games for us.

We will play in competititve tournaments.

We will have kids back next year providing they really want to be back (work hard, etc.) and they will play, too.

We may add a pitcher or two if need be at a tourney but the kids who were on the team will still be playing.

We will charge only what it costs to play and will not require them to take lessons with us.

We will talk to HS Coaches who are interested in their players getting better and work with them. We will not let a HS Coach hold their player back if we can help it.

We will help our players assess what their goals are both for school and baseball and try to help them understand that percieved status only matters places like this website: that maybe going to Timbucktu State on a partial scholarship may not be all it's cracked up to being.

We won't count how many of our players are drafted or playing D-1. We'll be counting how many had a great experience with us.

We won't tell the kids or their parents how bad some or all of these other guys are. We figure they are bright people and can make up their own minds.

Sounds like a plan. I had nothing to do next year anyway.
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Life's about choices. I've sent a pm to FastballDad and have sent my opinion and a request to Julie to view this thread and the action/response that I believe this needs in lieu of my pervious thread. (I do appreciate the number of pms sent which suggest that they understand my actions.) I anticipate another such response as the one deleted.

FYI, I edited my remarks which were VERY CRITICAL. I'm leaving this thread up until Julie has a chance to view it. After that, it's coming down.
Last edited by CoachB25
Really I didn't mean for this thread to be one that caused any trouble. It is not meant to continue the nastiness of the deleted thread.

If you can read between the lines, it was more of a satirical look at the point some of this travel stuff has come to.

Having been through "the process" a couple of times my perspective is a bit more cynical than those who may be going through it for their first or only time.

I promise that a vast majority of those players and families involved in this will later look back and understand that these teams are more about the Organization and not the players. And by Organization, I don't mean particular team that a kid is on in a given year. As for that, a kid should put any team he is playing on that day ahead of the individual. That is a lesson worth learning.

On the flip side, if we can't make light of the **** that is thrown around on this site, that is too bad. I think original thought is always a good thing and it is never bad to touch a chord in a way that creates a response.

JMHO, that said...Coach do what you need to do.

BTW, unless I get the top 20 kids from the midwest on my team, I'm not going to have the team after all. My formula will be like the BCS....Partly the PBR Rankings, partly the PG Rankings, partly The IHSBCA and of course partly the computer rankings all of which will exist shortly if this keeps up.
On the flip side, if we can't make light of the **** that is thrown around on this site, that is too bad. I think original thought is always a good thing and it is never bad to touch a chord in a way that creates a response.

Agree. There is an over-sensitivity, and an inability to identify light hearted fun, and real destructive negativity. The thread last night should have been pulled down, no question. However other posts in threads are allowed to remain when they are negative, and only there to stir the pot. To me they are distinct, and discernable.
FastballDad, I appeciate the pm. If you don't mind, I'll post a public response. Humor was the intent of another member but the sarcasm was lost due to the emotions of the travel ball conflict. Obviously the thread was deleted (not by me) and one or two members were suspended. We've deleted several threads recently (I've done 1) due to the continued harrassment of members toward various organizations. FastballDad, the instant you created that thread, I received a pm essentially saying that if I don't ask for your suspension, I will be taking sides. Yet another pm mentioned the phrase "joke" for what is taking place (moderator actions) here and in direct reference to me should I not discipline certain members. Yet another wants to know what the heck the problem is with everyone? Well, with the 15-10 pms I've received, you might note that people didn't know how to take this thread. Can you all understand how ridiculous this is???

I am waiting for the other side to weight in and still believe that the intended humor will be lost on them.

Folks, your experiences are foreign to me. If someone upset me, as most of you seem to be, and if I knew who they were, I'm contacing them in person. I don't suggest threats. I do suggest communication. Hey, in another week or two, perhaps this will all be moot since none of us will be able to afford travel ball. Wayne Huizinga has that opinion about owning the Dolphins and he has at least $5 more dollars than I.

Per the comment on how heavy handed I am, you obviously don't agree with how this site is being operated and so, feel free to go elsewhere. I don't contemplate tears.
I think original thought is always a good thing and it is never bad to touch a chord in a way that creates a response.

Always? Never? Have to respectfully disagree.

Should we "always" allow people to come on these boards and use their "original thoughts" to bash/trash young ballplayers? I think not.

How about unlimited free advertising? Should we always allow that? Would the forums be such a great place if every other post was trying to sell you something?

How about the Oliver Wendall Holmes example "Shouting fire in a crowded theatre" Surely, we can agree that type of speech ought to be limited - right?

The "issue" that comes up in this forum time and again is decorum - how people treat each other. Should someone have the unlimited right to be rude, in-your-face, bullying, macho, or just plain obnoxious? Seems this is the only forum (perhaps hitting as well) where this "issue" keeps coming up. Please remember back to deleted thread for evidence.

Some might say it is all in good fun. I ask, when was the last time a Mom posted in this forum? Please don't say DolphinMom. When was the last time a young ballplayer posted in this forum? I am sure there are isolated occurances but this forum seems intimidating. The site exists to help players to the next level (whatever level that may be). Sometimes, there seems to be agendas here that are far removed from helping players reach the next level imho.

I support CoachB25 100%. He has a thankless job.
ClevelandDad for President!

I know the VAST majority of our members are good people. You demonstrate that because you put kids first. When then the animosity toward one another? Recently, a new coach asked to speak to me about "what you do." Heck, why not. I've done it for so long. (baseball) If you all decided to work with each other, think of the total good you'd do for the youth of this state. Sure on issues like player movement, you are going to get emotional. Me too. However, we have a greater good that all of us are capable of. That would be helping a young man become a MAN. Think about the traits you'd want in your son and then ask if your actions are modeling those values you'd want him to have. I constantly do so. I sign my name often on the public portion of this site because I stand behind my actions. I do my level best to be "fair" when I can't even define who the "players" in an arguement are. Let's all take a deep breath, enjoy GETTING to work with the youth of America and do our level best to let cooler heads prevail.


Darrell Butler
I do not post as frequent as I used to but I found this thread very interesting

Our team started when I was 5 so the majority of my experience and views are from the last 15 years.

When the indians started in 1987 it was to provided local kids a place to play baseball close to home and to provide them with a great baseball experience. We had had great results but its so much more then wins and losses....the records have always been good, but we take pride in the fact the every year we return the majority of our team from the previous season and that when the summer ends, our players have become better baseball players. With all the leagues out there and opportunity for exposure, we push our kids to explore other opportunities but its always nice to hear how they will always remember and reflect on their experience with us

I feel like so many teams have gotten away from the basics....sarcasim or not it was a very valid post that started this
Coach...and others...

I suppose intentions are not always easy to see especially when you don't really know some of the people involved or where their interests lie.

I can't see that anyone would have demanded my ouster from this site as a result of the original post. I guess I can imagine it, but I can't see it being credible at all.

I guess if the shoe fits, wear it and I'm guessing that the shoe I put out there may have fit a little to well on at least a couple of people. If that's the case, look in the mirror not at me.

Again though.....I know some would like to have folks come on here and pat each other on the back and do well by it. I do think though that there is true knowledge to be learned here. Sorting out what is true and what isn't is another thing, but being exposed to the experience of many perspectives gives everyone the chance to sort through it and maybe pick up a thing or two. Some are blunt, loud mouthed and self promoting. Some fly above the radar dropping tidbits here and there. Some feel more comfortable provoking thought. I think people are generally pretty bright and given the information will make the best choices for themselves.

I do think that posters need to be forthcoming about who they are and what their connections are regarding the subject at hand. Knowing that perspective gives a reader a greater understanding of maybe why someone is saying something.

I guess I better start putting this on my posts from now on when I might be sarcastic. Wink
Last edited by FastballDad
Cleveland...with all due respect (truly) your examples do not consist of original thought. They are examples of thoughtless behavior that should in fact be banned from this site.

Origianl thought doesn't mean being rude or downright irresponsible towards kids (and others) who didn't even aprticiapate in the conversation. In the case of the kids, it goes without saying they should NEVER be brought into it.

Originally posted by FastballDad:

As thin as the wallets of my clients seem to be right now, it might be better this year for the fields to be free of a snow blanket!

Perhaps asroturf is the answer!

I don't think my clients have wallets anymore...they have these stubby little T-Rex arms and their pockets seem to go on forever...
Why don't people just use their real names, real locations, and then post their "original" thoughts? That way instead of hiding behind a computer with some make believe name, you stand up for what you believe in as a person. It doesn't make sense to me any other way . . . and that whole topic that was deleted would be a non-issue because the whole problem came from people speculating who was who. Just my thoughts . . .
Last edited by NelsonGord
Originally posted by NelsonGord:
Why don't people just use their real names, real locations, and then post their "original" thoughts? That way instead of hiding behind a computer with some make believe name, you stand up for what you believe in as a person. It doesn't make sense to me any other way . . . and that whole topic that was deleted would be a non-issue because the whole problem came from people speculating who was who. Just my thoughts . . .

Great idea, now is it possible to change my name without changing my log-in and password? Or maybe I'll just leave the signature...Bueller?
Last edited by Traveldad
It's not whether I agree or disagree with you, as I don't know the organization well enough to have a intelligent opinion. You're strong recommendation prompted me to look at their website and I saw a bunch of former player updates on the site. If you say that these are integral former team members and the Blues are just providing status reports on how they are progressing, I certainly take you at your word.
Originally posted by NelsonGord:
Not a painting, or a boat, just me (going with the full disclosure theme).

Nelson, along this full disclosure theme, I'd do the same but the couldn't find a card that could hold my image. Even reduced I'm kingsize. Too many extra value meals at Micky D's. A couple of years ago I did put my pic on this site. It was soon followed by remarks like I thought you were younger. So...


Originally posted by NelsonGord:
Not a painting, or a boat, just me (going with the full disclosure theme).

Of course we know you're not a painting or a boat. Our kids have taken lessons up there at Playball.

I can picture you someday with a full head of shocking gray hair though...and still flashing that great smile of yours!

Keep up the good work Nelson.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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