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Here we go.

One cup luke warm water - with one packet (1/4 ounce) of active dry yeast. Mix in the yeast until fully blended.

Start with one cup of flour.

Pour water and egg into flour - mix - and then add flour until batter is barely able to be scraped off a spoon with your finger (or another spoon). Thicker than pancake batter - but thinner than cookie dough.

After batter is just right - Add 3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon.

Set aside about 10 minutes.

Warm up vegatable oil - for this size - about 4-5 cups.

When oil is red hot - place about 2 full teaspoons into oil - one at a time.

Zeppole will rise to the top - turn when golden brown on one side - brown other side - then remove.

Put on plate - with paper towels underneath. Immediately sprinkle granulated sugar on them.

Keep doing each batch - when finished - sprinkle liberal amounts of powdered sugar on all of those babies.

Bingo! - Zeppole - a little espresso with some anisette - and there you have it.

A very filling dessert.


And Happy New Year to all the Websters!!!

You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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I was born with a Louisville Slugger in one hand - and a ladle in the other. LOL

Klunk,...congratulations Its, I think perhaps half the woman on this board ( married or not ) just swooooooned and fainted with me! ha! Big Grin

( did I just type that outloud??? )
( am I blushing????? )

Oh my, oh myyyy!!!
Its soo GOOD to be alive!

Happy Happy New Year!!!!!!
( skipping & doin' the jig )
Hi ho hi ho,..its off to cook I go!
Last edited by shortstopmom
For some reason ( I really have no idea why ) it just seems appropriate for the Winkle and EH's fertilizer to go hand in hand ( or perhaps hoof in hoof! ) ha!

Went into the commissary grocery store to get vegetable oil for It's zeppoles, and game out to a snowy blizzard!!! I was wearing ever-so-cute sequined & completley senseless flip flops, son was in shorts. Ba ba ba buuuurrrrrr!!!!

No traveling or away partying for this shortstopmom & family. Looks like banging pots and pans on the ol' front porch at midnight is gonna be the extent of the New Years celebrating this year.

Stay safe all!!!

We didnt get a white Christmas,..but were sure getting a white New Years!
HAPPY 2007!!!!
Last edited by shortstopmom

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