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Anyone out there know anything about the program at Brookwood High School in Lawrenceville, Ga? I know the varsity team did great last season but I keep hearing the freshman and JV team was not so great and the outlook for this year is pretty low. They had 9 seniors graduate??? True? I live in the district but am leary of what son is walking into in high school. I'm told this years incoming talent is pretty low with many political games going on. Should I stay or should I go?
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First, welcome to hhbbweb....thanks for steping out and asking a question....

I'm sorry, as Bullwinkle is from California, I have no knowledge about Georgia High Schools. I see that you have left the same message in the Georgia Forum....that is your best chance at a solid answer...

But as a general parents from this school....I'm sure thay would love to pass on advice and possible horror stories. Also, call the coach at the school and talk to him...they are human...

But, with that being said...don't you have an another major predicament now....I read that you have been attacked by Russia, please keep your family safe.

Bullwinkle J Moose
Last edited by Bullwinkle
Baseball is irrelevant compared to the academic reputation of the high school. How are the academics?

From a baseball standpoint, it may be an opportunity to start early in his high school baseball career. Then he can use "I started on varsity" to attract the attention of good travel programs.
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by BBISME:

Anyone out there know anything about the program at Brookwood High School in Lawrenceville, Ga?

.....I keep hearing the freshman and JV team was not so great and the outlook for this year is pretty low.

They had 9 seniors graduate??? True?

.....but am leary of what son is walking into in high school.

I'm told this years incoming talent is pretty low with many political games going on.

Should I stay or should I go?

I believe Brookwood finished ranked in the Top 10 of all High Scchools in the nation in 2008. With that kind of coaching and talent around I doubt they will be lacking in talent for some time. They play in the highest classification in Georgia - AAAAA. Brookwood is always a contender every year for the State title. If you lived in the area AND play baseball, then you should already know how good this baseball program is.

From looking at your post, it appears that someone is feeding you some bad and false information and you're buying it hook, line, and sinker.

If you move from this high school, you would be making a huge mistake. IMO.

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