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I've been fortunate all these years to have travelled to some wonderful places to coach 17-18 baseball. I used to prefer playing at home. Back in the 90's, our summer program had free run of Atholton H.S. (Columbia, MD). We fertilized, watered regularly, dragged the field properly, kept the grass mowed and manicured, kept weeds away from the fence, kept the dugouts clean, etc... This was done in conjunction with the high school program.

About 5 years ago, the county told us that we couldn't perform maintenance on the field anymore, since the high school team had been told not to do so. For many years, Atholton H.S. was the best field in Howard County, MD. It has been so frustrating playing on a subpar field these many years, but what can you do? It is embarrassing to have teams travel great distances, for what? While the level of competition is the most important thing, the field conditions can drastically change the quality of the game (ie. 5 inch high grass in the infield, ruts in the infield dirt, etc...).

Wanted to name a few of the fields we have played on that are great locations to play (mostly because of the playing surface, but some because of the atmosphere/feel you get when playing there). Was hoping others might mention some places (east of the Mississippi) that should be recognized as well.

My top places, in no particular order:
1. Univ. of Delaware
2. Wide World of Sports in Walt Disney World (big stadium and annex fields)
3. Harry Grove / McCurdy fields in Frederick, MD
4. Russiaville, Indiana (Cubs field? - been many years)
5. Rutgers Univ.
6. Mt. Airy American Legion (MD)
7. Towson Univ.
8. Baseball Factory field at UMBC
9. First Tennessee Fields
10. Virginia Tech
11. Radford Univ.
12. Univ. of Virginia
13. Old Dominion Univ.

Notice I have not one high school field in this list. Any thoughts on this? My apologies if I have left some out.
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Originally posted by larrythompson:
Was hoping others might mention some places (east of the Mississippi) that should be recognized as well.

What? Don't care about us left-coasters?

A field out here thats getting a fair amount of HS activity that is very, very nice is Santa Clara University's Schott Stadium. About 2 years old and named after the former owner of the A's (Steve Schott) who attended SCU and donated many of the funds for this stadium.

Great venue, nice seating, beautiful playing surface and good music and atmosphere. Its referred to as "The Schott" around here.
Last edited by justbaseball
Schott Stadium was great. It was awesome for my son's first experience on the big field although he thought the pitcher's mound was like "throwing from a volcano" Smile. And from the stands, it kind of looked like it too. But, it was a beatiful field. Chico State also has a great facility. During the summer, the Outlaws play there. Money was donated by an outside source, I believe. Great fun in the summer. Playground for the younger kids. Although parking is no good.
In terms of playing surface and atmosphere, Olsen Field at Texas A&M. The head groundskeeper has won many awards.

Some smaller stadiums that are very nice in terms of playing surface and overall aesthetics:
1. Sam Houston State University. Beautiful new facilities, incredible playing surface.
2. UT - Tyler. Very nice field, only a couple of years old.

Rice University and Baylor University also have nice parks that are just a few years old.
What I don't understand is here you are doing them a service - you weren't being paid were you? And if you were doing it all for free why would they look a gift horse in the mouth? I just don't get it. Someone wants to do something to make something nice and politics or whatever gets in the way.

I'll just add that we went to alot of different fields out in Ohio (in his younger days 11-15) and there were alot of nice fields and complexes out there. We enjoyed ourselves out there.
Due to budget restrictions, we generally don't travel west of the Mississippi, but we have made exceptions. Went to Englewood/Denver about 15 years ago. Great experience out there!

We were not getting compensated for keeping the field in shape. In fact, we spent about $2,000 per year buying new clay for batters box and pitchers mound, infield dirt, brick dust for warning tracks, lime, paint for foul lines, gas for mowing grass, etc... The other schools in the county, some of them, were not kept as nice either by the school team or summer programs using the fields. These schools wanted playing surfaces as nice as ours. Instead of the county jumping at this opportunity, they felt they would level the playing field by allowing our field to deteriorate.

Welcome to ABSURDistan and watch your head as you leave the bus!!!
First off, It's your field.
You payed for it with your tax dollar's.
The County has no right to stop you from maintaining the field's.
Just go ahead and fix them up.
It's all Volunteer.
Make them try to stop you from fixing it up.
Then go to the County Council Meeting's with your whole team.
Tell the council that you either maintain the field's, are they
( The County ) can maintain the field's.
Are you will file a lawsuit for putting player's at risk for pour
Field condition's.
No County council member would want to look like they don't have kid's first on there agenda.
Not good for getting reelected.
I'll second itsinthegame's vote for N.C. State's facilities. They are very nice - for the players and the fans. Their turf is in great shape and they keep it that way. (I haven't seen East Carolina's yet but I have heard they are also first rate.)

Clemson's stadium is very impressive. Their field has some wear on it from heavy use but the stadium and facilities are great.

Virginia Tech has one of the prettiest and best kept fields around. Their current upgrades really add to the beauty but they still need more parking.
Originally posted by Hoovmom15:
I'll just add that we went to alot of different fields out in Ohio (in his younger days 11-15) and there were alot of nice fields and complexes out there. We enjoyed ourselves out there.

Hoovmom - What youth program did your son play for? We've faced several W. PA teams over the years in tourneys here as well as league play over there. Recall any of the better fields?
Dear theEH...where I live, we have to apply for a permit to use the field. The county school board controls whether or not we get to use the field. If we take such an approach, you better believe we won't get the permit, and will be left with nowhere to play. Threatening a law suit is not an option. The manager of our team is a lead lawyer for a big financial firm. Any such legal action would be deemed frivolous because no player actually suffered injuries as a result of the playing conditions. I understand your points, and agree with them wholeheartedly...I simply live in a different world around here.

Purchasing land to build our own field is not an option either.
1. Kelly Field, home of Newman Smith Trojans, Carrollton ISD, Carrollton, Tx (northern suburb of Dallas)
We host a great tournament each preseason, in March. Last Summer, they hosted TPX Top 96 Showcase.
Summer time is booked a couple nights a week & weekend tournaments. Dbat, one of the top select org.'s in the nation, plays here as home field.
it's truly one of the finest facilities in North Texas, with seating for 1000+, press box, great music, lights, great consession stand. contact Coach Blair,
I'll round up some pics to send.

2. Minor League field would be Frisco Dr. Pepper Rough Rider Stadium. They host a tournament in the spring that has brought in HS teams from Fla. & Okla, Neb. They are hosting a showcase (sportstv) this weekend...They may do something in Summer, too.
3. Ballfields at Craig Ranch are wonderful, too! About a half hour north of Dallas, 45 min from DWF Airport, owned by former Major Leaguer, Mike Henneman & others. It is an incredible U15 - U18 Shayne Currin, or,
They are home to Texas Collegiate League,
Last edited by baseballmom

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