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MN-Mom, Bee, Bum and Panther Dad.

It’s about 3 O’clock in the morning!

We are driving down the highway and I’m on here (wireless) trying to stay awake.

My question - What in the hell are you guys doing up at this time?

Actually, I get on here quite a bit late at night, so I can attest to the fact that Mn-Mom is a night owl!
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It's now about 1:00 my time. I've been a night-owl since age 15. I don't know why, but I just cannot fall asleep until 2:00 AM or so. I've stopped trying.

It's the only time of day I have to myself. My three kids and wife are all snug in their beds, and here I am talking to my friends!

I've trained my own kids to go to bed early..before 10 P.M. Even my LHP-son, who will be 17 next month, follows a tight bedtime schedule. And that's good, because some of these posters can really keep you awake at night! (By the way, sometimes it can be interesting waking up the next day and seeing 14 replies to your last post.)
Last edited by Bum

This might set a record for the latest (or is it earliest?) discussion on the HSBBW. I'm still about a half hour from home. Starting to think we might make it!

Sure will make quite a story if we don't!

Doubt there will be any 8 am posts coming from here this morning.

Anyway, good night to you and you too Julie.

HSBBW - Open 24 hours a day!
Last edited by PGStaff
Isn't it illegal in Iowa to post and drive? You'd better watch out for police check points out their hidden next to the cornfields looking for people feeding their addiction to the HSBBW by posting at early-morning hours while riding in a car. I hear the punishment in Iowa is the extraction of your wireless card from the computer by the judge. Be Careful!!!
You know how to hit a guy when he's down . A deer hit me and totaled my 93 Caddy with 80k miles on it on Xmas eve. No one was hurt but we were lucky because my wife was behind us in her Escort.

They should outlaw those new cars that are easier to handle, cheaper, but not near as safe Wink.
Last edited by rz1

Iowa'll be getting up soon to feed "the whatevers"... and there'll be He)) to pay for this thread.

The two girls from Indianola sitting out on the front porch one night gazing at the moon.... one looks up and says, "which do you think is further away... the moon or Ft. Lauderdale?"

The second girl responds..."Well, hello... can you see Ft. Lauderdale?"

And to think my little sister went to school in Ames...



Be careful next time you cross the border.

Do you own one of those wedges of cheese I see people from Wisconsin wearing on their head. Big Grin

Of coarse, everyone does, but we only wear it with our good clothes. We also have closets full of camo, our belts are longer than most, we can breakdown and rebuild a shotgun in 30 min, hunt snipes, make animal figures from a tree stumps using a chainsaw, and have more insulated boots than tennis shoes. We're just plain folk with a poor taste in fashion. The only difference between us and our good neighbors to the South is we don't go to family reunions looking for a date. Big Grin
Last edited by rz1

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