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I just accessed it without a problem.

I entered NIU in Google and then hit the first item that appeared...NIU homepage.

Then I selected Athletics in their Quick Links drop down menu. Then I hit GO.

From there I selected baseball from the left side of the narrow header where it instructs Choose Sport. This header is located a couple of inches below the top of the page. Some of the spots to click are small and hard to find.

Hope that helps some soxnole.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
gotwood has the correct website info. They redid it recently for all NIU sports and its a big improvement over previous design.
Should be a competitive game as both teams have similar rpi's although NU has been real tough in the Big 10.
This game drew a decent crowd last year considering distance from each campus - hopefully weather cooperates.
peepwall Long time no chat boys. I look in from time to time to see how all the "local" teams are doing. It's good to see that this site is still as fun and informative as always. The good old days of High School ball have past. And let me say, They where alot of FUN. So regretabley enough I do'nt have much to share about the H.S. end of your topics. How ever, When N.I.U. and collage ball are brought up I have a certin intrest. Since this is the Illinois Forum then yes this game should be a good one. As for NIU being below .500 OK but they are 10-2 against Illinois teams. Not bad. clap So a WIN on Wed. would give NIU bragging rights to the letter "W" and "N" for the year. NIU won the match up last year, so with a little offence and for his sake Wink some good pitching. NIU will walk away with the "WIN".
Beenthere - I am not sure why you really don't like Northwestern but it is obvious not only from this thread but many others as well.

They are currently in first place in the Big Ten having taken 3 out of 4 from Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. They split with Penn State. They played a very difficult spring schedule and the coaches did what was necessary to get the team ready for what mattered.

The game against Northern should be fun.
Beenthere - I am not sure why you really don't like Northwestern but it is obvious not only from this thread but many others as well.

I have nothing against Northwestern and their team or anything that you are suggesting. Both of my sons, Paul in 1990; and, Ryan in 2004, were recruited by Northwestern.

Tell me what I said isn't true? I'm happy for them this year, but what about the prior 29 years?

When is the last time they won the Big Ten title?
Last edited by BeenthereIL
Beenthere - You just always seem to put a negative spin on what they do. That's all I'm saying. I am not only talking about this thread. You have been less then complementary on the "Ask About Colleges" thread and other places. Don't get me wrong, Northwestern is not a powerhouse and never will be for numerous reasons, but the program appears to be moving in a positive direction. I just think that when a local team is doing well they deserve some credit. If I have misinterpreted your posts, then I apologize.
Bench...No need to apologize for anything.

Can't we just discuss subjects without being "offended" because someone disagrees with us?

All of those college threads talk about the Big Ten and you will agree that for the past 20-25 years or so, it has been Minnesota or Ohio State as the big dogs in the conference with other teams, from time to time, winning a season-ending tournament or two.

A first rate University in every respect.

But you will certainly have to agree with me that they have had good/below average (but not championship) baseball teams for the past 20-30 years?
Last edited by BeenthereIL

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