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I am not a fan of any of the teams playing, but IMO, the past week has been the best playoffs I have seen in years.  Its so nice to watch teams with different names in the playoffs.

I am not a AL fan, so I will root for either one of the NL teams that advances.

Pretty hard to decide on pitching (Mets) or offense (Cubs), but the Cubs are too hot right now.

My prediction, Cubs vs KC.




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I agree about the pleasure of seeing some different names in there competing.  Very competitive and refreshing post season so far.


I'm thinking all true lovers of the game and its history gotta be pulling at least a little bit for the Cubbies.  They are a great success story, arriving at this point way of ahead of schedule, with an chance to end o the longest standing World Series drought.


Of course, If they were to win this year,  though, who knows what might happen.  Maybe the world might come to an end, or hell freeze over, or the zombies rise from the dead, or something strange.   So maybe, on second thought....

Last edited by SluggerDad

Ya know, Slugger, I'm a Cleveland fan based on my roots growing up.  It's fun to be out west and be a fan of someone other than the Dodgers or Giants.  Of course, the futility over the years, not so much fun.  But as the years go by and a few teams get close (Cavs last year, Tribe in late '90s, Browns with The Drive and The Fumble), I start to feel the futility becomes part of the fabric and tradition.  It would almost be a shame to win something.  Almost.


I'm pulling for new big bats vs old big bats... Cubs and Jays.  

Last edited by cabbagedad
Originally Posted by TPM:

I am not a fan of any of the teams playing, but IMO, the past week has been the best playoffs I have seen in years.  Its so nice to watch teams with different names in the playoffs.

I am not a AL fan, so I will root for either one of the NL teams that advances.

Pretty hard to decide on pitching (Mets) or offense (Cubs), but the Cubs are too hot right now.

My prediction, Cubs vs KC.




I agree with both your picks, TPM.

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