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Couple of teams full of no-names facing off, and nobody on the east coast seems to care. Too bad, the NL West was arguably the best division in MLB this year with 4/5 teams over .500. I, for one, am looking forward to a great series with an eye on the big names of tomorrow on the big stage today.
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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Couple of teams full of no-names facing off, and nobody on the east coast seems to care.

Nobody in the media cares spiz imho but most fans here in the east care. I love the young teams left in the playoffs. You think you guys are getting no respect, the Indians just beat the Yankees and all any of the media is talking about is - the Yankees. Join the club. Rodney Dangerfield would love rooting for some of these teams Smile
C'mon guys, sleep's overrated. Wink

When I lived in England, the postseason radio broadcasts started at 2am! And I just went through three months of every one of my son's (nightly) game's broadcasts starting at 10pm. Of course, I now look ten years older than I did in June....

ET is only the 'norm' for that East Coast bias. The Indians-Sox game Friday will start at 4pm PT....when adults are still at work. Also inconvenient. Big country, innit?

Ain't that the truth, CD. Watching those last two Indians-Yankees games, it was as if the announcers were cheering for the Yanks, just tasting that Boston-NY matchup. Roll Eyes
As far as no name guys go, I think that guys like Holliday, Tulowitzki, Webb, Corpas, Upton, Byrnes (UCLA guy!) and others won't be no names to casual fans anymore after this series. Both teams are full of talent, and let me take the opportunity to put in my vote for Rockies/Red Sox World Series. I think it would be fantastic to watch. I really like watching both of those teams play.
As a Snakes fan the only team in the National league that worried me were the Rockies. I was not happy to see them beat the Pad's. They play the same style as the Dbacks and are hotter right now. But I have to disagree with the Red Sox making it. I will bet my money on Sabbathia and Carmona making four starts in a seven game series over any others' teams pitching. And I love watching the Indians hustle. You can call them Dbacks east if you want.
Originally posted by Holden Caulfield:
The main reason we don't care is that we will not be able to stay up long enough to watch the games anyway. From what I understand, most of them will start after 10 pm on the east coast. That's just nuts. Confused

You guys sleep? OK try this- quick naps between innings. And don't listen to McCarver! C'mon, I know you can do it old man. Wink
Last edited by spizzlepop
Of course, I now look ten years older than I did in June....

So you are saying that you looked 25 in June? I wouldn't have guessed you for a day over 24.

I am really excited about the NLCS for two reasons:
(1) our son receives 5 paychecks a year from the Dbacks and we know several of the no-name younger players personally; and,
(2) because I am hoping to gain bragging rights over my sister-in-law who is from Denver. She is a legal secretary for one of the men who was key in getting the expansion team to Denver in the first place, plus she has a hometown loyalty to all teams Denver. However, despite our involvement in baseball through the years, she saw her first ever and only (pro or amateur) live baseball game last year was a pitchers' dual with a final score of 1 or 2 to 0 or 1 and she was bore. She has now become a baseball fan (funny what can happen in two weeks) and is finally reading a book I gave her two years ago called ... "Baseball for Dummies'.

All kidding aside, I really do wish both teams well and if the Dbacks weren't in the NLCS, we would be rooting for the Rockies (presuming the Dodgers weren't in the NLCS of course).

Go Arizona !!! Beat Denver !!
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom

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