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Help me experienced college parents!

Can the amount of a baseball scholarship as set forth in a NLI be reduced based on the amount of financial aid (grant) given by the college or university?

The coach is saying "either-or" in other words, chose the NLI amount (less) or the grant money (more). Just don't want to waive any money as it will be tight and want the baseball team invested in him too.
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I'm not sure that this question:

Can the amount of a baseball scholarship as set forth in a NLI be reduced based on the amount of financial aid (grant) given by the college or university?

and this statement:

The coach is saying "either-or" in other words, chose the NLI amount (less) or the grant money (more).

are linked?

I may be misunderstanding your question though. I am going off memory, but I don't think need-based aid and athletic aid can be mixed. Someone will correct me if I am wrong.

Basically I think the coach ran your son's application through financial aid and they came up with one amount (more)...and the coach is ready to offer scholarship money for the other amount (less). And he is leaving it up to you.

The coach ?probably? hopes you'll take the financial aid as it would not count against his 11.7 athletic scholarships. I can only tell you that I don't perceive that THIS issue has any significant impact on playing time at our son's school...merely based on who I think or have heard is on which type of money.
Last edited by justbaseball
First of all - thanks Justbaseball and Tiger Paw Mom -

So maybe I should ask it in another way... If a kid is offered more money in financial aid in the form of a grant (but not all the tuition and fees), after he already has signed a NLI at a lower scholarship amount, then the college or university can void the NLI scholarship offer? In other words, a player can't have both?

I thought this would be a common situation after an NLI was signed for less than the entire amount of tuition and fees and the player then goes through the normal financial aid process. I also thought that the NLI was a binding contract assuming the player did not screw up.
brod - Unfortunately, the NLI is not a binding agreement for the school (for your son?, yes). Or at least I know of cases where schools have backed out due to injury...and certainly they can back out if the athlete messes up on his grades in his senior year.

However, in 99% of the cases, you can take it to the bank

I don't know the answer to your question, 'can the NLI be replaced by a financial aid grant after the fact if it is more?'

Our son's school computes both up front and offers whatever they deem to give them the best chance. They don't compute it after the I don't really know specifically the answer to your question.

Again, it sounds like this coach has done something similar to our son's school. That is, compute both upfront and lay it on the table for you.

If your son can play, he will play no matter the financial aid package.
TPM - I ?think? (could be wrong) he is asking something like this:

'If his son signs an NLI for an athletic scholarship and later finds out from the school's financial aid office that he could get more there, can he take the financial aid or could he blend the two?'

At least I think thats the gist of his/her question. It also sounds like the coach has already computed both sources of $$ and asked him to take his pick.
Last edited by justbaseball
I think that is what is meant too.

If so, yes you can blend. Financial assistance has nothing to do with what a coach offers you (academic or baseball $). It just reduces the amount that you need to come up with for the balance, and then in some cases, may knock you out of qualifying for financial assistance.
The only importance of the NLI is that it is a piece of paper (contract) that states that the player will come to play at the school and no where else and the school abides by that for one year. IMO it can be blank.
The money (or anyhting else given) is a grant, meaning it does not have to be paid back.
Last edited by TPM
correct that the nli is not a financial document, a separate "aid award letter" should accompany it

some types of aid CAN'T be blended, & must be reported ... they will reduce athletic aid.

ex: the once proposed "hsbbweb scholly" would just have reduced atheltic aid and would'a had a net effect of -0- so it's creation was abbandoned.
Last edited by Bee>

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