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In our case the other monies were officially shown with the financial package, that came with the acceptance letters in April - even though mine applied early and knew he was accepted officially in December. Everything was there as originally stated in the estimated offer before he verbally accepted in July. Did you fill out estimated FAFSA, or financial forms?
My son's NLI arrived yesterday, to be signed tomorrow. It's a time of celebration for him. He went through the recruiting process and carefully decided on the place he wanted to attend. The NLI is the university's baseball commitment to him and his commitment to the university. The dollars were agreed to back in July, so this is the next big step. He can't wait until tomorrow when there is a document in place, not just his verbal commitment, and he officially becomes a part of his university.
Originally posted by cheesethrower:

That sounds logical and sort of what we expected. Thanks for all the replies.

No problem. I see you are pretty "new" in posting. Ask away if you have any questions. The members here have been a great help to me in advising my son, and I still learn from them as he has moved onto "the next level."
Just received the NLI today, to be signed at the signing party at the High School this friday. The baseball money is on the financial page and there are spaces for additional academic funds if you qualified, we didnt. Also it states in the actual NLI that if you receive any other additional scholarship monies from any source you are required to disclose that information to the institution.
I personally know of this happening to a kid at a CAA school. Signed early last fall, not accepted. Currently is playing at a D2 school. Also can occur if a kid completely does nothing his senior year in HS. May end up that his 7th semester HS grades are so bad, that even though he pre-qualified through admissions, they can't accept him.

It is really hard to say how often it happens. I'm sure the school doesn't want that kind of thing to go public and probably the student athlete (and his family) doesn't want it to go public either. It doesn't cast a positive light on the school or recruit. I've only heard of this happening through others such as Birdman's example. I think there was something posted last year about a situation similiar what Birdman described. Bottom line is some schools want to protect their academic reputations, so they want their recruits to keep their grades up within reason. Most recruits do keep their grades up, and some recruits don't. Personally, I don't think keeping your grades up is too much to ask. If Birdman knows someone that signed an NLI but didn't get admitted, that is good enough for me.

As far as the NLI goes, it really looks like there is no choice in the matter. They have you over a barrel. I've read through this in detail on the website. I can't say I'd be happy to sign it, but I would sign it if I had to. Let's face it, most of us have to. It is what it is.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
My son signed his NLI today at his HS. It was a nice ceremony and was a little extra special because he and his best friend and HS teammate signed together, officially committing to their respective schools. These two have spent numerous hours working out together in the gym, in the cages, out on the field...and now after all of the hard work, they were able to share this occasion together. It probably hasn't really sunk in for them, but it will soon, and it's going to be a pretty cool already is for Mom & Dad! Smile
Originally posted by bsbl247:
My son signed his NLI today at his HS. It was a nice ceremony and was a little extra special because he and his best friend and HS teammate signed together, officially committing to their respective schools. These two have spent numerous hours working out together in the gym, in the cages, out on the field...and now after all of the hard work, they were able to share this occasion together. It probably hasn't really sunk in for them, but it will soon, and it's going to be a pretty cool already is for Mom & Dad! Smile

Congratulations bsbl247!!! Can you PM me his school!

My son signed his NLI yesterday at his HS, a very exciting day as we live in an area not noted for producing high level baseball players(northern NY). The scholarship he received was a culmination of years of hard work and preparation as my son or any parent who has been through the process can attest. The college he will be attending did a pre-admission check prior to sending the NLI.

Just a Note, I came across this site while looking for info on the Stanford Camp, which he attended after finding out on your site that is a very prestigious camp. The camp was everything you could ask for, especially exposure to some of the best D-1 programs in the country. Your site has a ton of valuable information, so just a BIG THANK YOU!!!

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