Here is a link to the NLI organization.
http://www.national-letter.orgThe NLI is an organization with policies and procedures that are adopted my its members.
So, the terms of the NLI should be consistent from school to school that are members of the organization.
The text of the NLI is on the web site.
I would encourage you and others that expect to sign an NLI to read the document.
It is very different than what is commonly believed.
The NLI agreement is for one academic year and does not include language about "if the player is cut, hurt, or whatever".
The terms of the scholarship including the amount and duration are included in an award letter that is separate from the NLI.
The NLI agreement is intended to regulate the recruiting/transfer of athletes among the member organizations.
Scholarships are typically one year deals. I can not recall how the issue of "if the player is cut, hurt, or whatever" is addressed in the award letter, and I do not have my son's with me at the office.
I'll check the award letter fine print to see if this issue is addressed.
It does come up and from information posted to this web site there are variations from school to school in how the issue is handled. Some posters have indicated that scholarships were honored when injuries occurred and others schools did not.
From the coaches point of view with 11.7 scholarships, having players out on scholarship
and not playing is not good for the program, so a good assumption would be that "if the player is cut, hurt, or whatever" the scholarship is going away.
Another thread also discussed the timing of injuries and the impact on the scholarsip. For example, injuries occurring outside of the program might result in loss of the scholarship while those occurring in the program might continue.