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for the MiLB guys this is great and really should be a no brainer.

For the MLB the team should provide the base line, that being said these guys are spoiled rotten. the young guys and so forth don't deserve responsibility here but when you hit the point 7 figures pes season you damn well should be taking care of the clubbies, they are there for you and I have no doubt do anything needed or requested by the players. the tips dolled out should dwarf the payroll cost of them.

@old_school posted:

for the MiLB guys this is great and really should be a no brainer.

For the MLB the team should provide the base line, that being said these guys are spoiled rotten. the young guys and so forth don't deserve responsibility here but when you hit the point 7 figures pes season you damn well should be taking care of the clubbies, they are there for you and I have no doubt do anything needed or requested by the players. the tips dolled out should dwarf the payroll cost of them.

This article had nothing to do with tipping. Its about clubhouse dues.

@old_school posted:

do you struggle with reading comprehension?

"MLB teams should provide the baseline"

"Milb this is great and should be a no brainer"

"tips dolled out should dwarf payroll cost" for guys making 7 figures....

you won't even agree we agree because I think the payroll feature should be a minimum. WOW  

Read title. It's about changes in milb pay, eliminating clubhouse dues and changes in who pays for meals. Yes the baseline has to come from MLB, no brainer.

Last sentence, Clubhouse dues for MLB were eliminated in 2017.

But with your typical negativity you go on about these guys being spoiled rotten, I assume you meant ML players, who do  do take good care of the clubbies.

Once again this is about changes in MILB.

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