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North Texas Banditos – November Tryouts


TRYOUTS: Saturday, November 22

J.J. Pearce High School Baseball Field

1600 N Coit Rd, Richardson, TX, 75080


7U-10U:  9:00am-11:00am

 11U-14U:  11:30am-1:30pm

15U-18U:  2:00pm-4:00pm


Costs to play for the North Texas Banditos will be discussed at tryouts.  The North Texas Banditos guarantee to be more affordable than other organizations in the North Texas area!  Players will not be required to sign contracts to play for the Banditos and will not be charged any up-front fees to play for the organizations.


If you cannot make the November tryout, we will also have tryouts in December and January on dates to be determined.


For more information, email the North Texas Banditos at  You can follow us on Twitter @NorthTxBanditos and on Facebook at

NTX Banditos November Tryout Flyer


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  • NTX Banditos November Tryout Flyer: NTX Banditos November Tryout Flyer
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