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I'll start this one off, trying to keep the Northern Region flame alive...


Concorde yesterday:

Chantilly beat Westfield 3-2. Eason Recto pitched very well for the Chargers, and Matt Hogle (who'll probably go the next game) cleaned up the last two outs. Zo Allensworth was excellent as well, and if not for 3 HBPs in one inning, this could've been a different ending.

Robinson took down Herndon 5-0. Heard that Chris Lohr threw a one hitter (not verified). Sorry to see Herndon go down like that: they were starting to turn things around in the District.


So the four teams moving on:

Centreville plays Chantilly Friday at 5:30PM @WHS

Oakton plays Robinson Friday at 8PM @WHS

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Here is my Call at early April. Still feel they are the best pick.  I have seen Madison a few times and they are getting better.  Not sure of any other team in the league of Madison and LB.   


April 3, 2013 5:51 PM

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I have only seen half of the top six teams. The main question I always have is who will be better at the end of May then the beginning of March. I am going to go with LB. Big fan of Rutherford, I think they have a lot of kids out and will perhaps get some back towards the end of the season. Winning is nice, knowing how to win is invaluable.

Originally Posted by BBALLFAN2012:

LB is tough.  Expect them to throw Rodger who only goes a few innings a game. (Had TJ's surgery last fall and throwing already.)  I heard he has a restricted pitch count.  Even though LB has/had a lot of injured players - they are deep. 

Rogers threw 3 or 4 Friday against TC. Look for either Supko (Canes '15) or Darcy (Canes '14) tonight for Lake Braddock.

Oakton topped Chantilly 5-4 to take the Concorde. Chantilly built up a two run lead early, Oakton came back with 3, and that was the score going into the seventh. Top 7 Chantilly scores two on a couple of hits and an error. Oakton comes back with two in the bottom of the seventh: with men on first and second, Kyle Burger drove a double into the gap to win it for Oakton. For Chantilly, Eason Recto pitched a great game, but ran out of gas in the seventh with one out. Wild game.


Oakton plays TC Williams @ OHS on Friday in the first round of the Northern Regionals. Probably means facing Alec Grosser. Oy.

Last edited by joemktg
Originally Posted by 3plplay:

Games on Friday:

Robinson [C4] @ South County [P1]

Chantilly [C3] @ Lake Braddock [P2]

West Potomac [P3] @ Centreville [C2]

TC Williams [P4] @ Oakton [C1]

I think I have this right for the other 2 Districts Friday:

Edison [N4] @ Madison [L1]

Marshall [L3] @ Yorktown [N2]

Stuart [N3] @ Langley [L2]

Stone Bridge [L4] @ W&L [N1]

May 24

Chantilly - 2 @ Lake Braddock - 8 ( LB- McIntyre 6 strong innings)

Edison - 1 @ Madison - 13

Marshall- 7 @ Washington-Lee - 0

Stuart - 2 @ Langley - 8

TC Williams - 1 @ Oakton - 9

West Potomac - 1 @ Centreville - 6 (C- Bach - 10k)

Stone Bridge - 1 @ Yorktown - 0 (SB- Bukauskas - 9k, Y- Yoest- 11k)




Monday May 27 @ Madison

Lake Braddock vs. Madison - 1pm

Centreville vs. Marshall - 4pm


Monday May 27 @ Lake Braddock

Oakton vs. Stone Bridge - 1pm

Langley vs. South County - 4pm

Last edited by 5.5hole

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