As for Beal, I'm no draft expert, but here's a statistical comparison of junior vs senior year high school seasons so far.
Junior year: 8 earned runs in 45 innings, 40 hits, 6 walks, 55 K's, 1.2 ERA
Senior year: 16 earned runs in 39 innings, 28 hits, 6 walks, 58 K's, 2.87 era
This data is from the inputs to the all region team for both years. There is no data that I have on the ball-strike ratio, but if you are saying he's been "horrible", then I would guess that even though the walks/ip ratio is not that much different, the ball/strike ratio is much higher this year. That to me would be one metric of struggling. Another would be the number of extra base hits he's given up, and that's probably higher than last year, given that he's allowed twice the earned runs in 6 less innnings, although the hits per ip is slightly less.
The PG draft list has Beal as the #6-10th ranked player in the state, in the projected 11-25 mid round block of players. Jesse does have the physicals at 6'7 and 200+ pounds to move up. He's always had great mechanics and is a competitor.
Is it possible that he wasn't quite as horrible as you say, but that the hitting in the Patriot was better this year?