Ok, look, I get it. Instant replay is here to stay & it is not going away. Likely trending towards eliminating umpires & just going all tech. Why do we need them anymore? What is the point of an umpire when the challenge is in play & every close call is reviewed (I know they can run out of challenges but so what)
I HATE it. I mean HATE instant replay. I want to just change the channel when those idiotic earphones break out. It's not just the time factor on the delay & the whole process itself, but it is the removal of an entire human element from the game. Did you not love to see Piniella or Weaver or (Name a manager) storm out on some terrible call & get run out? All of this is gone, forever.
I will give just 1 example. Remember a few years back when Armando Galaragga had a perfect game thru 8 2/3 & Joyce botched the safe call at first? Now, some (probably most) would say INSTANT REPLAY solves this & the kid gets his perfect game. Correct, but what you would have missed is the most compelling & memorable event of that season when Joyce owned up to blowing the call in a tearful interview & then Gallaraga went out the next day with the lineup card & forgave him. This was really cool stuff & it is now forever off the table.
Balls & strikes is next to go & the Umpire will now be a Rectangle on your screen. No more ragging the ump. He will be gone. All in the pursuit of perfection in an imperfect world in a sport played by imperfect players. We are sacrificing passion & the human element in the pursuit of the "correct call." BORING