Here is my view of a part of what is wrong with California, as regards national politics. Start by thinking about who are the three most powerful national level politicians representing California in Washington. They are Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.
What do they have in common?
No, I'm not looking for 'their democrats, or they're liberals.'
What they have in common that I believe is bad for California, and the nation is.....they are all from the very same city and county. They all live in San Francisco. Do you think that perhaps California would be better represented by having at least one of our U.S. Senators be from a city other than San Francisco? We've elected three very liberal politicians from the same very liberal city, and we wonder why so many people feel like they're out of touch???
Do you think that maybe we can find someone from southern CA for the next election, or at least not from San Francisco?
I think we'll all be better off if we can get rid of even one of them. Hoping for all of them to be removed is too much to hope for.
I am so sick of the California legislature that can't seem to balance a budget. The same goes true for Bush and now Obama is going to saddle our kids with such debt it is going to seriously damage our country. Our national debt is in the order of $50K per taxpayer! This is not a liberal or conservative issue it is an issue of managing within our means. Clinton, a Democrat, was the last President to have a balanced budget. Bush had it in his means to do it and he passed, shame on him, shame on us for allowing it. We should throw them all out and keep replacing them until we get some that can manage a budget. We all do this at home, why can't our state and country seem to do it?
BOF, As inept as the legislature is there's not much they can do about the initiatives passed by CA voters. Given prop 13 it is pretty much impossible for the legislature to balance the budget in this economy.
The one I get a kick out of is Obama cancelling the moon program and blaming it on Bush, when it was crippled due to the democrat controlled congress (Pelosi and Boxer).
As a 6th generation Californian I am truly dismayed at the direction our country and state are headed. I feel that my vote is a voice in the wilderness. We live in the Sac area, a conservative agricultural area that share values more common to the Midwest and South. We elect a few conservative lawmakers whose voices are drowned out by screaming liberals from the SF and LA population centers. I’m frustrated by our lack of representation. Our state will vote for whoever promises the most handouts, the most invasive government and the lowest moral standards. Arnold is having a tough time of it. I think he is doing the best he can with what he has to work with. Many good people that I know would be qualified to serve in government will have nothing to do with it because of the dirt that is “politics.” It is the bought and paid for politicians that are will to go to bat for their backers to advance their agenda irrespective of the consequences to our country. Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein don’t represent my values or the values of my friends and neighbors because we are the productive citizens that raise a family, teach our children right from wrong and respect our neighbor’s rights. We are there to lend a helping hand without asking the government for permission or to be repaid when the job is done. We are the ones at the field early for field prep and snack bar. We are the ones that see that all the kids have a glove and uniform. I know that this site is filled with just these kinds of people. People who volunteer for the smile on a child’s face, not a public acknowledgement on TV or photo op. I better put my soapbox away. It is starting to creak under the load. Go Ags!
Well, I'm certainly not electable, but I have done something. I've applied to be one of California's re-districting commissioners. The re-dsitricinng project will re-draw congressional boundaries, as well as other boundaries that determine districts. It is a non-partisan effort, and something that will have an important impact on our state in the future.
So, again, I'll ask what are you doing to try to turn this around? Re-districting is one of the many things that needs to be fixed, and I've thrown my hat into the ring. Anyone can apply, so maybe a few of you others should also apply.
If I thought I could get elected to an office, I actually would run....I am that totally fed up with what is going on.
I'm impressed 06. You're willing to roll up your sleeves and do something. That's the spirit!
Reading this thread I know you are all concerned about the condition of your state and our country. At the very least, folks like you (I'll include myself as well) should urge our fellow citizens to get the very least to become informed and then get out and vote, and encourage others to do likewise. We can make a difference! We already are!
Pelosi is a real bloodsucker and I turn the channel everytime she is on TV.The right has a leach in waiting named Palin or as I like to call her the political Paris Hilton. She threw John M.under the bus even thou no one outside Alaska would have ever heard of her if he would not have named her his running mate. I agree about Arnie S.doing a good job, he must feel like he is in quick sand.
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