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To improve the program you need to keep talented players and build the program from the bottom up. I just got word of three above average pitchers that were cut today from your JV team, Towards the end of 2009 combined West, Central and Memorial had less wins combined than Trinity, you know what Trinity's secret to success is? They keep quality players. This in my opinion is an outrage, I seriously question the baseball knowledge of those who were making the decisions. Expect another sub par year from Memorial.
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After some quick research to find out who these pitchers were I am at a loss for words. Some people have heard me say that I think Manchester Memorial is about 2 or 3 years from being competitive maybe even for a state title. This statement came after seeing these three guys pitch last summer. I honestly thought one or two of these guys might get a cup of coffee on the varsity, being as talented as they are and as bad as Manchester Memorial is.

I had all three of these freshmen on my radar for possible future showcase league consideration. I hope they don't go play lacrosse or something.

Two steps back for Manchester Memorial baseball.
All due respect gentlemen, I know you are both good guys. Yet, I find it appalling that you would question another coaches decisions regarding their own programs. For example, there have been decisions made with regards to your team selections in the Fall leagues that could easily be questioned, but are not because coaches don't do that to other coaches. As you know, unless you are at every tryout and every practice you really don't have a leg to stand on. I have cut talented ballplayers in the past for various reasons, yet my program has success on a consistent level.
There is often more than what outsiders see that goes on during tryouts. I am sure these boys are talented, but are you basing your assessment on fall baseball? Fall baseball is as different from Spring as Spring is to Summer (and so on).
One last note, it is highly inappropriate to condemn a first year coach in the first week of his career. It takes time to change things and get them to where you want. It may not work out for him, but it also might (I believe it will). Time will tell. The bottom line is that the coaching staff at Memorial's assesment is the only one that carries any water in this situation.
Last edited by Ironwill
So unless I go to all the tryouts I don't have a leg to stand on, the experience of watching these players play in more than 80 games between spring, summer and fall ball over two years does not hold any value? As for your comment on cuts in our fall league, the Showcase League is the finest league in the fall New Hampshire has to offer, this is per various college programs DI, DII and DII. Our selection process involves 15 coaches making every single cut, our coaching staff whether you or others like them include individuals who have played college baseball, coached college baseball, two of them who were paid to play professionally and one who is a professional scout. Memorial screwed this up, flat out I put my reputation on it and for you to support a forming member of your coaching staff is noble but does not give him a pass or his coaching staff on such obvious misstakes. You have never seen these young players I have seen them play upwards of 80 games over a 24 month period, I am well aware of what it takes to play at the high school level, I am well aware of what it takes to play at the college level, some people view my evaluations in very high respects, these kids belonged on the Memorial JV Team not a question in my professional opinion. MEMORIAL MADE 3 MISTAKES.
I'm not affiliated with those boys at all other than having seen them play many times.

Nobody watches more different NH high school baseball games than me. There are days I'm at two in the same day, scouting taking notes, checking kids on the gun. etc. I don't know who the new coach at Manchester Memorial is but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he's probably a teacher there, it was probably just handed to him, and I'll bet they didn't even interview anyone else. And who suffers? The kids and the families.

Manchester Baseball needs help, I thought with two of the three varsity jobs changing hands this year maybe there would be a shake up. But it appears to be a change for the worse.

You want to place a bet on over under for wins on Memorial this year Demas?
Also I wouldn't mind knowing who I cut from the Showcase League that could "easily be questioned". I know you can't be talking about that skinny little infielder from Londonderry you emailed me about. We have 15 coaches evaluating at those tryouts including a pro scout, 2 former professional players, and nobody who didn't at least play in college and not one person had that guy even in the maybe pile.
I am not a betting man, but I am also not quick to jump down someone's throat. I have already talked with Mike about things and we are good, it was the old "tone lost in typing" situation. While I don't agree with your choice, I respected your ability to do so. That "skinny little infielder" is going to be a starting second baseman for a quality Class L team and is a great person, try to keep that in mind next time you insult that teenage boy.
Last edited by Ironwill
20Dad, absolutely, but in the case of these three grades, attitude and other factors including school issues does not apply. They each meet all of the requirements to participate on a high school athletic team. These are talented ball players who are good kids, I honestly feel they were short changed and that most programs would be pretty excited to get three freshman of their caliber into their program.
High school coaches really do not develop players at all. It isn't their fault because the NHIAA will not let them train them in the off season when tweaks and changes can be made and mastered. High school coaches benefit from great feeder programs and kids who play in summer/fall leagues. They still may play other sports but make it a point to get better in the OFF SEASON. High school coaches can not take credit for successful teams. They barely have them for 8 weeks with games 3X a week. They are not developing players and if they say they are they are just trying to benefit from the kids hard work and training of others.
Speaking as a high school coach I have to take offense at that post by Lancerfan. I can only speak to my program but if they are in Londonderry's program then they would start lifting with a certified strength and conditioning coach in November, they would also be HIGHLY encouraged to participate in the GSBL in the fall, they would be impressed upon about the importance of grades for colleges, they would also have the possibility to participate (starting in January) in a weekly 3 hour sesssion at Play Ball in Salem with booster club parents to hit, field, and throw bullpens. I understand that Lancerfan has a right to his opinion but I disagree with his assesment.
Last edited by Ironwill
i guess this economy is far reaching. did memorial lose the freshman team recently? it's a shame a school of that size doesn't have one, kids can grow and develop quite a bit from 9th to 10th grade.

as monty said, they should keep a core group or a bigger jv roster. if only to keep the kids involved.
I know Im not a coach and prob have no idea what Im talking about but Im pretty sure talking to my dad and other coaches that they dont want to ever have to cut players. They absolutely dread doing it. Its sad that they dont have a freshmen team being a class L school. I bet the coach feels extremely bad about even having to make cuts at all.. and by the way if they want to move to milford they can have a spot!!!! Smile
Up at Kennett we don't have a freahman team, but we don't make cuts, everyone that doesn't make the varsity team is on the JV team. This year we are going to have about 33 kids on the JV team. They will break that into two teams and split the JV season. Half the games and half the practices. I would rather have Freshman, JV, and Varsity with cuts. It would make our program stronger. I would like to know what schools make cuts and what schools don't make cuts.
We had a positive experience with the GSBA this fall in the varisty division.
Last edited by fivehole
I know at Nashua North we have a Varsity, a JV and a freshman team. The rule of thumb in most years is no juniors on the JV roster, if your not good enough to make varsity then they'd rather develop a younger player instead. I do not know the make up of the varsity team as of yet (Eatman might be able to chime in on that) but I counted 14 regular JV players (1 Jr) with 3 swing players from the freshman team. I believe that there are 17 on the freshman team. If North only had a varsity and JV then I'm guessing JV would carry 18-20 and 4 or 5 of the current freshman would have made a team. That would have left a lot of good freshman in Nashua who played on AAU teams and Babe Ruth all-star teams left not playing school ball their freshman year. So they would just have to come back next year more determined and earn a spot on JV or varsity next year.

I know the current JV team has a kid who got cut from the freshman team last year but he came back and made JV this year. So those boys from Memorial should just bust their butts this summer and fall and come back with a vengeance and make it impossible for the coach to cut them next year!

It does stink that they don't have freshman teams in Manchester.
i'd say getting cut as a freshman can be a great motivator. or turn a player away from the game.

when my oldest played,we were class L. there was a young man with a load of talent. he didn't make jv as a freshman, his dad pulled him. he thought it was disrespectful to make him play freshman. he came back as a jr, was ok. but he could have been very good had he stuck with it.
TrueFan28: Whoa there! I wasn't clear on my example of that post. I wasn't at any tryouts and I didn't have any specific player/examples in mind from the GSBL, though Ship did remind me of one!
The point I was going for (and apparently failed at) was that whenever there are cuts there are going to be people who say "That is complete BS". I could easily insert my tryouts, Memorial, or any other high school tryouts in that example!
If you did have an issue with how that league is run I would suggest you PM Mike or Shawn. They are easy to work with and I am sure would like to hear different suggestions about their program!
For what it’s worth – GSBA & Shipbuilder you can’t have it both ways. Tryouts are flawed regardless of who is in charge of the evaluations, so it makes sense to consider factors outside the tryout when selecting a team. The problem is this is also flawed and biased towards players you know best or have had the most exposure to, but it beats being judged on a limited number of swings, throws and grounders/flyballs. You can’t tell me you don’t consider outside factors when selecting the Showcase players. The Memorial coach is new and probably would have liked to have had more background on the kids at his tryout. If he’s a high energy guy, committed to building the program, he’ll do more scouting in the summer and fall in preparation for next year now that he knows where to commit his time. So, it’s OK to express surprise over cuts, but don’t rip and don’t make it sound as if you have a completely flawless, second guess proof system for selecting players. Good players get cut all the time. It stinks but they have two choices, keep working hard to prove the cut unjust or focus on the injustice of being cut and risk being cut again in the future.
Let me start by saying the reason I do what I do in terms of the Granite State Baseball Association is because I want to see the overall talent here in New Hampshire get better, instead of just talking about things I took action, ei, summer and fall wood bat leagues and the showcase league. It is my personal opinion that Manchester Baseball plays a huge role in the overall talent of New Hampshire as does Nashua. I want to see Manchester School return to the caliber that they were when I was growning up. Playing Manchester as a high school player was a real nerve racking experience, you knew you were in for a difficult day because the teams were so much better back then. I feel that if Manchester returns to that level of play the overall talent in New Hampshire will benefit. Coach Abood, I apologize for coming off so offensive to you and your new coaching staff, I was honestly frustrated with the situation and looking back I would have taken a day to cool off before posting. I do believe that the kids belong on the team, and I will admit fault in the way I approached it. Who ever said this is a motivational factor for these kids, man I hope that you are right, I really want to see these young men in a baseball uniform next spring.

As for the comments by Truefan28, over the past two years we have selected players from Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire: Nashua, Littleton, Hopkinton, Concord, Plymouth, Salem, Londonderry, Plaistow, Manchester, Hooksett, Windham, Goffstown, Bedford, Warner, New Ipswich, Derry, Hampstead, Hudson, Mascoma, among other NH Towns. Wheres my back yard? We do not have the teams picked out before tryouts, why hold four tryouts if we already know who is on the teams. Our program has the respect of D1, D2 and D3 college programs all over the Northeast. If you got cut from our program the first thing I would ask you is how many tryouts did you attend? We have many satified parents and players who truly benefited from the program. The GSBA on an average year contributes to nearly 1000 kids playing baseball in the summer and fall months. I stand by what the GSBA has accomplished and will continue to accomplish.
Playing alot of games throughout the year is how players will get better. I think GSBA is an AMAZING thing to happen to NH baseball. I am sad that I did not get to try out. Getting players out there to play is the most important thing to do, and the GSBA is doing just that. I dont see why you are bashing Coach Campo who is trying to get the sport/state better!!!!!! Good work Coach keep doing what your doing. I just wish there was a winter league somewhere at a dome or something... I guess I can dream tho!

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