My just turned 18 year old, living three states away, called and asked me which brand of STARCH to use,...huh? Starch?? As in he was actually IRONING???
I didnt know he even knew that an iron existed. I thought perhaps he thought it was a biological extension of only a mother's arm! ha!
No clothes thrown in a gigantic heap on the floor with the cats curled up in his wet towels stragetically located on top of the way too over priced $$$$ name brand Abercrombie and Hollister attire???
Whoa,...of course mine is in the military dorms,..and not college dorms, maaaaybe that has something to do with it. ( they have mandatory room inspections )
When I asked why he didnt just take his dressy shirts to the cleaners,..he said he was being frugal,..and would rather do his clothes himself to save money for an occasional CD or two and,...drum roll pleeease,'s the best part,.... family Christmas presents!!!!!
Ahhhh,....what a goood answer my son!
Schmooooze or no schmoozing,..he still made my heart gush.
( I think perhaps I already got my Christmas present! )
Diamond Darling,...good idea,..this shoud be a fun-no-need-for-kleenex thread!