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Is it just me or are the Oakland A's an absolute joy to watch play right now? Not only are they playing very good baseball, but they are having so much fun doing it. Most of the players are younger, full of energy, and seem like generally fun people. Their manager seems like one of the nicest guys in the world, Swisher can't stop smiling and Marco Scutaro keeps executing and coming through! If I got to choose which big-league team I could play on, it definately would be that one.
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Posted this ealier in the week...

The last decade plus that the A's were considered by the "experts" to be real contenders...and they came up short.

This year when they are given no chance I figure it would be only fitting that they make a run...

Could it be that the A's feel no pressure at all? Might it be that will translate into a lose free and easy style of play? The exact opposite of the Yankees?

Looking forward to watching the Detriot series...With the pitching it may just be a special treat for the purist...

Cool 44
About mid-summer I went to an A's game with my son...not too many people there. We bought seats the night before right behind the visitor's dugout for $30 I believe.

At that time, the A's were about in a tie with the Angels for the West lead.

Batter after batter came up for the A's, .250 followed by .265 followed by .240 followed by .270, etc..., etc... Zito was pitching and gave up a slam in the 1st.

I was thinking, "how can these guys be in 1st place?"

But they were loose...carefree. They chipped away and came back to win that game. I went a few weeks later and a few weeks after that. Now the averages were .280 followed by .290 followed by .285 followed by .300, followed by Frank Thomas hitting MONSTER SHOTS!

Still the same looseness, carefree...but they were GOOD now! You knew they would win.

And so I signed up for playoff tickets (easy to do in Oakland)...just had to promise to buy some kind of ticket package next season.

Friday the atmosphere at the ballpark was ELECTRIC! Still loose, still carefree on the field...but ELECTRIC in the stands.

And NOW...I'm going to the ALCS Tuesday night and if the loosey-goosey feeling along with Mr. Carefree continues...well, I hope to be at the World Series this year. Smile

Go A's!
Never underestimate Billy Beans theory on talent vs payroll as is explained in his book Moneyball. While the A's have not won the "big one" in years he seems to always get the best bang for his buck. They don't even flinch when they lose + players to free agency, they just re-stock according to their needs and within their payroll structure.
It's an amazing philosophy they have there in Oakland. I'm a little curious though. When Mulder was nearing the end of his contact they traded him. Same with Hudson. Wonder why they didn't trade Zito when they had the chance. Could it be they think they can win it all this year? Will the Oakland A's deviate from their philosophy and give Barry the big dollars as the did with Eric Chavez? Or just let him walk as they did Jason Giambi? I love the A's.
Wonder why they didn't trade Zito when they had the chance.

Word on the street was they were ready to pull the trigger with the Mets but wanted Lastings Milledge in the deal. Didn't happen so the deal was broken.

Will the Oakland A's deviate from their philosophy and give Barry the big dollars as the did with Eric Chavez? Or just let him walk as they did Jason Giambi?

We're hoping they deviate. I was at the game that was supposedly his last in an A's uniform (actually, I think I was at his very first A's game too). The crowd gave him a standing-O as he departed the game. He is VERY well liked in the Bay Area and may just be the guy to get the bucks. Fingers are crossed.
Last edited by justbaseball
I don't know how hard Zito throws [fast ball probably high 80's] but it is his curve ball that is the killer. When he is on [i.e. throwing it for strikes] it is positively unhittable.

I think that the A's will sign Zito if there is no bidding war for him but that is unlikely with both the Red Sox and the Yankees in desperate need of good starting pitching. Billy Bean is a calculating GM that places a monitary value on every position and he likes his starting pitchers young, proven winners [at lower levels] and cheap.

I believe that the A's might have a slight advantage in a seven game series because of the quality DEPTH of their starting pitching. However, Huston Street scares me as a closer [gives up too many home runs] especially against a team like the Tigers that depend on home runs while Todd Jones has been lights out of late. We shall see.

Frank Thomas for comeback player of the year anyone?

Barry Zito is one of my favorites. Anyone know how hard he throws?

I've seen him pitch in person twice this season. Top speed I've seen on the scoreboard was 89 (once earlier this year) and 88 (a couple of times tonight). His fastball settles in the 84-86 zone if you can believe the scoreboard.

He had a tough night tonight...but when he's feelin' it...he is one tough cookie to hit. A wide array of pitches...2-seam, 4-seam, 12-6 curve ball and a very good changeup. He probably drives opposing hitters crazy because of his lack of velocity.

BTW, Zumaya topped out at 102 for Detroit tonight. And Milton Bradley pulled a 99 mph fastball foul. WOW!
Last edited by justbaseball
Thanks justbb and TW344 for the info....

The Fox network gun had him hit 90 mph a couple of times and some of his breaking balls as low as 73. His avg. fastball seemed between 87-88mph. I asked the question to show that getting outs is not always about how hard you throw. I have seen him when he is unhittable with that big breaking ball of his getting most of his outs. He had given up no hits until he seemed to become somewhat "unhinged" after Brandon "Inge" hit a homerun off him.
Sounds like the TV gun was a couple mph's faster than the stadium gun.

Listening to a game on the A's network earlier this summer I remember him hitting 90 and the announcers getting all giddy over it. They couldn't quite seem to believe it.

I guess I've known this (although I forgot about it). He came out to start his warmups tonight down the LF line with a watch on. I made a comment to my son who said "thats because his whole warmup routine is timed...same as since he was in HS."

He's got the whole thing down to a science. I've seen him and his father interviewed and its pretty interesting stuff.

I agree...Zito seemd to lose it after that one home run. Inge had himself a night - huh?

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