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There are excerpts from Matt McCarthy's new book Odd Man Out in the latest SI. Matt was a pitcher in the Angels org. and now a medical intern working in NYC. The SI piece is a must read for all interested in pro baseball. I'm ordering the book today.
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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I thought the excerpt did its job, got me interested enough to look forward to the book. I just hope it's not like a movie trailer, and I've already seen the meat, and all that's left is a bare carcass.

Of the two reviews that Infield08 left (thanks), the first guy admits he hasn't read the book but then rants about on about ethics (that ever moving target that seems somehow to mysteriously fit whoevers ranting), and the second guy just nit picks and talks about the sanctity of the locker room.

If you wouldn't want it out in public, you probably shouldn't do it. I understand that these are kids, but the book also delves into adult behaviors.

Anyway, it looks like a nice read.
The first review (above) is completely pointed out, the guy didn't even read the book.

McCarthy was a molecular biophysics major at Yale, so my guess is that he spends most of the book telling us how much smarter he was than his hayseed teammates and the local yokels in Provo...

" guess is...????" What the heck kind of book review is that?

The 2nd review has some interesting points worth considering.

I love 'baseball stories' including ones about superstars and not-superstars. I believe I'll be reading this one.
Last edited by justbaseball

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