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Several colleges that we have visited play baseball on fields that are not located on campus. My first reaction negative; that it would be very inconvenient. After thinking about it some more, how bad is it? Since shuttles are provided for all of the practices and games, is that really worse than having to get to the fields that are located on campus? If you are on a large campus you would take a shuttle anyway or you would want/need a car. On smaller campuses the fields can still be a pretty good walk.

Any thoughts?
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Starzz, I agree. I think it's my son's decision. However, I was slow to understand that. One of the schools he is looking at doesn't have very nice facilities and it's off campus. I have been concerned with lights, field condition, etc. However, my son says that isn't a priority. Good for him to remind me of what is important in making an already tough decision. You don't need the best field or to be on campus to play good ball!
Of course it is my son's decision. One of the things we are doing is making a list of pros and cons to help him make the final decision between schools. One has its field on campus, two others don't. He is leaning toward one that the field is off campus; I was looking for input from those who are in that situation and how they felt about it. It wouldn't be way down on the list if other things were equal.
My son's field was a ten minute ride off campus (where all the other athletic fields were located as well). The shuttle bus ran often, and many players had cars so that rides were not a problem. At many schools, even when the fields are technically on campus, the walk can take even longer than a bus ride. Having all the fields in one place added camraderie among the players of various sports. It wasn't a first choice of situations, but not a negative necessarily.
The only negative that I can see with an off campus field is student support for games. I have seen it both ways and it is just less of a hassle to play in a small on campus facility where the other students will get out and support the team. Studies have been done on this and student attendance takes a sharp drop when games are played off campus.
cbg; I agree. I have been to off campus games and it was only parents and a few others that attend. On campus, especially on weekends, there was is usually a campus crowd, having a good time and loudly rooting for their school. It was much more a "college experience" on campus compared to off campus. I guess it depends on what you are looking for as far. I definately prefer the on campus field, and the players I talk to feel that way.

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