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Style makes an excellent observation....this exact discussion is located below under the topic heading of Balk/HR.

A good way to learn the rules is to read the past posts.....Read the question and then formulate your answer to the situation....then read down the responses to get the final answer....if you are correct, move on to another topic....if not get out the rule book and read over the rules....

I do this every off season.... I pick an umpire here that I respect and I click on his username, it will give you an opportunity to "see recent posts by" option.....

I click on Michael S. Taylor....and read over his posts to questions........its like having an online tutor.....

I wish I had a resource like this when I was just starting. I would have advanced much faster.....
The short answer is, option for CI, no option for a balk.
I appreciate the compliment from PIAA. I equally respect his opinions on many questions here. As he says, many times you can do a search for many of the more common questions. Then if it still isn't clear you can post a sitch. I have found over the years a newer guy will think he has a rule clear in his mind but isn't entirely correct. The only way to know is to post a question or give an answer and find out how you fair with others.
I am 100% in agreement about the importance of the internet and the many clinics that are now available to new guys coming up. I know I wasted quite a few years spining my wheels with no one to help me along. I turned the corner when I joined the local HS group, we train hard. The other thing was finding some of the boards that many of us use. The third was attending pro camps/clinics to get first hand feedback on mechanics. PIAA and I both are local trainers now and spend a fair amount of time teaching newer guys just moving up.

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