A few questions about offers.
Currently we have 4 different schools calling and wanting us to visit their school. All different sizes. D1, D2, JUCO and NAIA. All have said they want to offer us when we visit.
My questions,
JUCO, can you accept his offer but let him know if one of your top three choices offers and it is a good offer, you would accept? Is this acceptable? All three choices would be D1’s.
The other three want us to come out to visit and make an offer. Do you go visit and see what they offer just to see what your street value is? Do you go even though you are not interested and use them as a starting point kind of like a job interview, just to get the experience? Who knows, after the visit and offer, he may be interested.
We also have one of the schools that want to come to our house and make us an offer. Do we waist his time if not interested? Or as stated above, do we use it as a tool in the recruiting process?
I’m sure I’ll have other questions after these get answered.
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