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You'll receive several responses debating the merits of both sides of this issue. I tend to favor the opinion of accompanying your son on these visits. More eyes, ears, and heads to evaluate more than just the baseball program and the coaches (though that is important). I visited with financial aid officers, professors, non-athlete students, and some alumni while my son got the student recruit version of the tour.
When my son went on his official visit to the school he signed with, the coach made it very clear that he wanted a parent to be there, as well. My husband went on his official visit alone, so he kind of wanted our son to do that and spend more time with the guys, but the coach wanted us there.

You might just ask the coach if he has a preference.

Although I did not get to stay with the team but stayed at the hotel, I did go with my son - he stayed with the team. I agree with SS Mom - I picked up on things the coaches had said that he had not.

Although my son was the one who made the decision on where to go to college, as a parent I had to be comfortable with that decision and that school not only because of the money but because that school was getting my most precious commodity - my son! I wanted to feel good about that decision.
We visited schools on un-official visits and got the meet the coaches, professors, admission people, students, take tours, and ask questions, etc. before even agreeing to go on official visits.

He went on the official visits on his own and stayed with the team, went to games, parties, talked to players and other recruits, etc. to confirm which program he wanted to be at.
We were invited to go on all 5. Wife and I went on 1 together. I went on 1 alone with him. He went on two alone and decided not to take the last one because he'd pretty much made up his mind and felt like he would be wasting their $. (They were very appreciative).

Pros and cons either way-Just depends on your son's personality. Ours was OK with Mom and Dad being there. Maybe because he wasn't a real partier. Big Grin

Other son received just one OV offer and Mom and I went along. At coach's request. He now is the coach's "official" player rep for recruits. Saves us a couple of meals every now and then. Smile
On all of our visits, which were all in California, parents were invited and expected/encouraged to attend. All were very well planned. Every one of our 48 hours at each school was really enjoyable.
We were very busy, academic meetings, tours, games. Son spent both nights out with the team, but they brought him back to the hotel . All who were with him had to sign a document that there would be no alcohol. They did make us eat too muchSmile

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