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I'm a 19 year pitcher at a CC. My team is starting mandatory workouts next week. I've been lifting hard for the past 5 weeks or so trying to get into shape. This is what I think my offseason workout will look like. Tips would be great:

MWF: We run sprints as a team for 30 mins. Lifting on MNF would be:
dumbbell bench press: 3 sets of 10
incline dumbbell press: 3 sets of 10
wrist curls: 3 sets of 10
rope curls: 3 sets of 10
single arm row: 3 sets of 10
dig my arm in a bucket of rice. spend 30 seconds on each hand. rest for a minute. 3 sets
squats: 3sets of 10
leg press: 3 sets of 10
lunges with weights: 3 sets of 10
leg curls: 3 sets of 10
box jumps: 3 sets of 10
medicine ball workouts. : overhead throws sitting, standing and kneeling. sideways throw. squat and explode throwing the ball as high as i can. back twists. 3 sets of 10 for all
situps, medicine ball crunches, exercise ball crunches.

Tuesday and thursday: run 2 miles

Monday: long toss
Tuesday: flat ground
Wednesday: bullpen 30 pitches
Thursday: regular catch
Friday: long toss

take off saturday and sunday

that's something i have constructed by looking at sites and by feeling what is best for me. i would ditch my workout in a second if someone could send me a workout for pitchers from a major college program or a professional team. that would be awesome.

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why is everything always 3 of 10?
That reminds me of a Joe Weider workout...

Why do you bunches of muscles groups? chest (6 sets) then wrists (6 sets), then back (3 sets)... then legs (15 sets)...

I would think it might make more sense, if this workout is good for a pitcher/player, to do your exercises in a 'circuit' format...

but where is shoulder work? back extensor? i would think if you were doing this that everytime you hit that 10th rep you'd increase the weight another 10% to make sure you are overloading... and then change exercises every 3 weeks... for the muscle groups.. and the way you are recruiting...

i mean lat pulldowns work your lats differntly that chinups/pullups besides the obvious (vertical/horizontal push/pull, etc), in a pulldown the bar is hard to bring to your chest... in the pullup/chinup you are working your back but is difficult to bring body to bar...

and i would think as you change exercises, etc... you'd need to change reps as well doing some 3 week stints in the 5-8 reps, and then 10-12's then 15+'s...

but i wouldn't have a clue what kind of workouts a players should be doing in season... i will leave that for experts....

but i firmly believe that the best workout for you is the one your not doing... in otherwards always change it up... JMO

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