Originally posted by CoachB25:
Originally posted by redbird5:
I am going through this now with my 9U daughter in softball. I have started with the lower half. We work constantly on proper use of the lower half...from set up to stride to contact. After they have a base to work from, then we work on upper body/hands. One mother came to me and told me she "caught" her daughter working on her stride in the bathroom, using her toothbrush as a "bat". I smiled from ear to ear.
Luckily, my daughter has paid attention to all of the teaching to my 14U son and has a solid swing.
Redbird, that's neat. Enjoy it. Mine is 14 and I think she knows more about hitting than have of the coaches in our area. It is really neat working with her and having her tell me what she thinks she did wrong either in an at bat or given pitch. I'm very blessed that she loves doing it. Believe me I can remember when she was 9 and I sometimes wish she were now. Off to a great start and now is .400 with more doubles than singles. Of course, she took a comebacker to the face Wednesday night and is hurt a little now. She'll be ok and she got the out before she started crying. Redbird, keep her out of the circle if you can.
I find this a bit similar to what my daughter is seeing.She has some fairly good mechanics,to the point her freshman coach made the comment to the varsity coach that her mechanics were almost perfect(they aren't but they are decent)Then he starts putting down the previous freshman coach's teaching methods and says certain things don't happen and are wrong but those are the EXACT methods that were used to teach my daughter.(not by the previous coach but by the varsity coach)
I really feel it was the teacher and not the methods that were the problem.
I hear many of the girls and their parents complaining about some of the things that were taught previously and how bad they are but my dauhter has if not the best,second best mechanics on the team.AND she has to learn the art of slapping at the same time.
Once she gets the timing figured out with her new found bat speed,I think we will have a hitter on our hands.
We haven't even had the first game yet.First 2 games were rained out and we are on spring break this week but Monday we get started.