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Today I was at my 13-year old son's Pony Section semi-final all star game. Before I tell this story, let me make something clear...I DO understand the nuances of high level baseball and that sometimes things are done for a purpose...a purpose I accept. My older son is part of that 'high-level baseball system' and I'm ok with it.

But today, as our team took a large lead against a team that FULLY expected to kick our butts...something happened that disgusted me.

Let me set the stage. Their team threw their ace, we threw ours. We jumped out to a quick lead that built 10-0. A key player on our team was having himself "a day." He got a number of hits in key situations...driving in runs, and was making big plays in the field. But in the 5th, "their" team began to surge back...10-3, bases loaded. In came this kid to pitch and struck out the #4 hitter to end the rally. In the 6th he shut down another rally striking out their best hitter on a 3-2 curveball. There was also controversy in the inning based on an umpire's call...he called an infield fly when it was borderline...their coaches went nuts. Then a checked swing by one of our guys that wasn't called a strike...more nutty behavior by their coaches. Finally, at some point in the inning, their pitcher proclaimed to his 3rd base teammate within earshot of our 3rd base coach that he was going to "hit the next batter" as ordered by his coach.

Who led off the next inning for us? Our pitcher who was having "a day." First pitch drills him in the back (he's ok) from a pitcher who was living on the outside corner up until then. I am 99.9% sure it was is everyone else. I think this is disgusting behavior for a 13-year old all star coach. I think it is wrong, wrong, wrong.

But maybe I'm too sensitive? The kid who got drilled was my 13-year old son. Thoughts?
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justbb - I have made my feelings known on this subject before. Some feel that it is just part of baseball. At the very upper echelons, I understand it is part of the game. At the level you are speaking of, it is unconscienable imho.

First and foremost, there is a risk of serious injury. Secondly, what about the impact on the kid who was ordered to do the deed? If he gets away with it, what lesson has he learned? Also, if he hurts the kid he has thrown at, what type of emotional impact may that leave on the young man?
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by itsinthegame:

I know this isnt an answer - but in my experience - the absolute craziest baseball coaches I have ever met happen to coach in this age group.

I have no idea why - but it seems like the 13-14 year old category is ripe for nutcases like the coach you speak of in your post.

That is true way too often!!!
Originally posted by Catch43:
What happened that called for intentional hit?

Nothing called for it IMO...but I'm guessing extreme frustration by a team/coach who thought there was no way they would lose this game...and they were getting it handed to them. The umpire's call wasn't bad...borderline at worst. The volume and anger was building all game from the opposing bench. Combine that with the coach's son (complete stud) being K'd on a 3-2 curveball where he looked silly. In other words, frustration, immaturity and revenge.
Last edited by justbaseball
13 is way to young to teach a kid to hurt another intentionally. I am not sure its even appropriate at the HS level, even at the select level.

If it makes you feel any better I am sure the coach and the pitcher will pay a high price someday, if not already, and may never even know it. Reputations have a way of following people througout their life. i.e. My son was beaned by our local HS pitcher by a 90 mph fastball after being hit earlier in the shoulder. My neighbor stopped helping out the program that same day and never told the coach why, as he was very dissappointed.
Last edited by CollegeParentNoMore


In other words, frustration, immaturity and revenge.

Sorry to hear about this. No reason. No excuse. I apologize for my fellow human beings when they are such fools.

I find it very telling that the same day your kids are being thrown at that, I saw some heavy discusssion on the sports talk shows regarding Nomar being hit 3X in a single game WITHOUT retaliation....

Cool 44
This happened to my team when we were 13. We were winning like 12-0 in the 3rd, and one of our stupid players decided he was gonna steal second, well he stole it, and the other coach freaked out. Well, he got kicked out and went and kinda hid from the umps but before he went up he put in their hardest throwing pitcher, and told him to hit every single one of us...I think he hit 2 of us before they just called the game.
Im always sorry to hear about this type of behavior in youth coaches.....certainly this was a horrible sitatuion to be in. It is reprehensible for a coach to call for a beaning.....and illegal. I'm sorry that the umpire dd not hear this as well as I am sure he would have ejected the coach immediately.....

As an umpire, I am always on the lookout for signs of frustration in games when the score gets somewhat lopsided in what was to be a competitive game.....also in heated games, it sometimes takes an umpire to step up and put a stop to any potential situations by exercizing some control over the game and participants..

shame actually....
I have seen this a few times and IT ISN'T BASEBALL. Throwing at a youngster because you are frustrated and a sore loser is no call for throwing inside at any level. Its so bush, I would work on removal of the coach and some kind of suspension of the player. Beaning means the head and its a good thing it was low enough to hit his back.
Only one time did a pitcher on my team hit someone intentially. This guy got beaned twice in the same day, so the next time up, he wore chest protector on his back, shin guard on one leg. Ump had no idea what was going, he wasn't following who got hit. His expression- pricesless.
So pitcher (having a rough day), tried to hit him. Missed the first time- took a lot of effort to keep me from bursting out laughing, and then hit him. The batter was pretty PO'd by the end of the day.

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