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Hunter - I'm not sure what you're asking. What fall practice are you talking about? Junior HS season? Senior HS season? Freshman college season?

Generally, college coaches become aware of you either from seeing you themselves (<-best way), from a trusted scout or a trusted HS/summer/peer coach. Once someone trusted has identified you as a potential college player, you may be entered on their 'follow' list. That can happen anywhere from freshman HS year to freshman college tryouts in the fall of 1st year at a college. Most typically it happens somewhere between late sophomore HS year to early senior HS year.

You may or may not know that you are on anyone's list...other than you may begin to get fairly personalized mail/email beginning in your junior year in HS.
Last edited by justbaseball
Originally posted by HunterMac95:
I keep reading about being on a School's "follow" list. It would be safe to say that only the Coaches will know who's on this list until you are at your first fall practice??

Are you talking about the HS coaches knowing?

Totally confused as to what you are adking though JBB did a good job of explaining.
Originally posted by 2013 Dad:
I'm guessing that OP is saying that a player will not know he is on a follow list until that player has been offered.

A player probably will and should know way before an offer comes that he is on the follow list. This would include but not limited to correspondance by email, an unofficial invite, calls after July 1 of his senior summer, asking for his schedule, and an official visit. These are strong clues that the coach is watching.

I still do not understand what the OP is asking.
You'll know you're on a college's "follow list" when they pay attention to you in a meaningful way. That might take the form of personalized communication, a call to your coach(es), showing up at one or more of your games, or some combination of the above. Since the "follow list"is an integral part of the recruiting process, you'll know you're on it well before the time you show up on campus.
Anybody else think Stairway to Heaven is the #1 Rock and Roll song of All Time? Smile

Excellent query HunterMac.
Many knew what you were asking.

Just as you will know if you are on a collegiate follow list, you will know when your are not.

Metric wise, a phone call a week to your cell/home
from the collegiate recruiting coach reveals high interest.

Many recruiters have several recruiting lists based on need and the priorities of those needs.
Call it a 'A' list, then 'B' list, the 'C' list.

Should Junior Days be in vogue (and I think they are) the fifteen or so prospects accepting the invite and being on campus to talk to the baseball coaches are considered as high priority.

Just as college recruiters will ask you what other colleges have shown interest (and you are under no obligation to answer), you should be asking what other prospects are being recruited and for what reasons.

And it's ok for you to query the recruiter what he sees in your projectability. (And yes, this is not an exact science.)

Lastly, when the college recruiter stops calling, many consider this a sure sign that interests has changed.

Good luck, keep us informed.

Who wants to guess what Top 500 is #2 and #3. Smile
Originally posted by HunterMac95:
Sorry all..referring to a College's list and your first fall practice as a freshman in college.

I think I understand what you are trying to get across. If your player is freshman on a college bseball field, he already made the list. Smile

As we have answered you will know when a coach is really interested, it comes at different times for everyone, you may have a hard time trying to identify it, but you will know it when it comes.

Work hard at finding the right match for your son academically as well as talent wise and it will happen.

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