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My sons team lost today and was put out of the Connie Mack Regional, therefore ending his summer season.

On the way to the car, I remarked to my wife, "One more left"

She turned and looked at me and said, "What?"

"One more more fall season, one more school season and one more summer season, and then he's gone to college"

I started posting on this site when he was still in Jr. High, now he's to this point. The time has slipped away.
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Our "one more left" got cancelled yesterday! So it's all over. Bummer! Now it's off to College in just 3 short weeks. Since it's 11 hours from home I don't think we are going to get to see alot of games. Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday we had to get them to focus on the ball and the batter rather than the dandylions out in the field.

It does seem like just yesterday that your son played some fall baseball with my son......I believe your son was just a freshman (or 8th grader then......I also have had the pleasure of umpiring his games in his HS/COLT years.......I recently heard of his college a Alabamian, I know he is in for some culture shock, but will be fine I'm sure.......

You will just need to get used to that trip.....its only far the first time.......

Best of luck to you and your son....
KD - time does slip away but use that thought to your advantage and live each day to its fullest. My son and I both loved high school baseball and it will be a positive experience we will both remember the rest of our lives. I'll never forget how emotional it was after his last high school game thus, cherish each game he has during these "one last" times.
One thing I have learned from this site is to enjoy every step of the way, and not get so focused on the "goal" (such as a college scholarship.)

My son is about to finish his first high school year and summer. Three left. Thanks to so many others here who have gone before me, I hope I have learned how to "stay in the moment" and resist the urge to look ahead all the time.
My son just finished his last tournament of the summer, a wood bat tourney in Colorado. The team rented 2 Winnabagos and traveled, lived, and had a good time in them. Even though they didn't do so hot in the tourney, they had fun. It was the last time that my son will play with one of his best friends, a kid that is headed to Clarendon to play. It does seem like just yesterday he started to High School! I can't believe it is just ONE more fall and one more varsity season. Even now, when I pass the ball field, it's hard to realize that it will be over this coming school year. It's been a great ride and I'm not sure I'm ready for it to be over so quickly!

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