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Question for Catcher or whoever- why does DBAT not publish online rosters of their teams? Seems to me in this age of electronic information being right at the scouts' fingertips, it would be prudent to publish rosters as a service to scouts, and parents and players who pay a premium to be part of the organization.

If a scout shows up at a game to watch Johnny from DBAT ??, but player number 12 from DBAT ???? catches his eye, I would think it would be useful for the scout to be able to pull up the roster of DBAT ???? to access all the information about player number 12..............who looks exactley like approximately 1000 other DBAT high school uniformed players.
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Roughly 140 college commits in three years (with some 2011's still to go).

40 drafted players in two years and several more looking to get drafted this year.

Somebody's getting the information out and doing a great job helping the kids pursue opportunities to play at the next level.

I know I don't want to see KCR or Catcher's phone bill this time of year!
Good try at....what??? Its was really just a question. You guys on here read into every comment. Sometimes people just ask a question out of the desire to know the answer. Still don't know the answer. BTW- you are way off on your assuumption there was some alterior motive. My son has been on a DBAT roster for two years, and i have been 100% satisfied. And the reason he is on a DBAT team is I believe 100% that DBAT offers the very best opportunity in the DFW area; and perhaps in the state; to be seen and earn a chance to play college ball, which is what my son wants to do.

Cade, Sam, Jack, Gut, Kermit and other DBAT Mustang coaches are contacted (Like all the other clubs and teams) all the time about our rosters. We send them out via email, and hand them out to coaches and scouts when they are requested.

Each of our managers were informed in our managers meeting to have our rosters (15-18U) handy for any of our families if requested. If the manager of your team does not have a roster or he refuses to give you one, please contact me or any of our other staffers and we will get you one.

As always, feel free to email me any or all of us with questions. You can also call us. All of our information is on the website and we will take all questions and hopefully provide you with a satisfactory answer.

Shayne Currin
Last edited by catcher
Thanks Shayne. Makes sense that scouts would contact the coaches or DBAT administraters personally. But also makes sense that the information would be available online at all times. Just my own thought.

And turntwo1, think of the number of parents that DBAT has in their organization. If each one called Cade or Shayne with each random question that they might come up with through the season..............

My son plays DBAT, which is why I asked the question directly to DBAT. Could have been asked more generally. Tigers rosters aren't posted, Patriots rosters aren't posted, A's are, Stix are. But here is the deal- I am not specifically interested in the other organizations, we chose DBAT. And glad we did. And unless something very drastic and unexpected occurs, we will continue with DBAT through the rest of our son's high school experience.
Last edited by what???

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