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Is a player still in HS allowed to go to one of these events and be signed? If an MLB team holds one of these and likes the kid enough isn't it a rule that they can't sign him anyway? I know 16 yr olds are signed as free agents in like the D.R. but I've never heard of that in the U.S. since the draft was instated
I think that somewhere on this site it is recomended that a player attend one or more of these events if he hopes to play professionaly. Is there any value to that idea? I understand they are free. Hey isn't that where "The Rookie" was discovered by the Devil Rays?
Seriously though, does anyone see any value to attending one of these events. Or is PG and WWBC enough exposure?
There is a lot of value to attending these. If they like you they will take your info and try to follow you. I call it carding you as they put your info on a card and put it into a file/computer. They do follow up and I have heard scouts at tournaments ask when my son was going to pitch. They know who he is which is part of the battle. These camps can be great for guys who did not get drafted.
Most of these scouts love to instruct and if the camp is not too busy they will help you. I would say that you should start attending these at around 17. They are looking for the very rare talent that really stands out.

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