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he's just doing what comes natural. Good hitters will "react" naturally to the inside fastball. Learning to wait, let the ball travel a little deeper, allows you to stay back on off-speed stuff and helps keep you from jumping at the pitch early.

You practice staying on and thru the ball in cage work by working oppo and up the middle. That approach should carry over to the early rounds of BP.
Just as in boxing, there is a time to lead with the haymaker and a time to deflect and counter. Stay in as long as possible on the pitch until you recognize and then explode. Hitters work on this very thing every single day.
Last edited by Prime9
Originally posted by CITIGUY:
my son has a great swing but has a tendancy to open up too soon. any suggestions?

Can you be more specific about the problem? Is he early because he opens up? Does he open up in a way that his hips have no chance to provide power? Does he start "closed" and then "open up" early... or is he never "closed off" to star twith?

Video would be a tremendous help... through PM if needed.

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