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And I feel young again! or at least I have that illusion as I get that same warm buzz I've felt since I began following ML baseball closely on Opening Day, 1967. It always seems like a great book has been put in front of me that I won't get to the end of until the cooling days October arrive or an old friend I haven't seen in some time is back home again.

We'll watch games and look at box scores, some of us fanatics about the Yankees or Red Sox, or Tigers, and some of us like me, just following the game, its numbers and teams as a whole, while leaving our allegiances open until later in the summer. We'll watch that older long time favorite player to see if he can summon the magic that separates ML ballplayers from normal humans one last time, look in wonder at superstars in their absolute prime, or salivate at what the future holds for the rising Strasburgs, Poseys, and Trouts(he'll be back soon!). There's enjoyment for every fan in the watching of this most difficult of ALL sports. I always feel spring has arrived when our own sons begin their practices and games but somehow even that doesn't effect me quite like another chapter of the on going story that ML baseball has been to me for the last 46 seasons. Anyway enjoy and let's have some lively debates again as the season goes on! Smile
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