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My son is a 2010 who has been to PG National, both 17U and 18U WWBA events and is about to head west to Area Code which I only offer to attempt to give my ensuing question a level of "why". Offering the disclaimer up front about having a total appreciation for the entirety of the issues, to include academic, financial and personal family importance, that go into the decision making process of where a young man will attend college, I am interested in the opinions of "those who have gone before us" about how the various conferences stack up "baseball-wise" when being compared to one another. Again, I'm aware that it depends on what you are comparing them for so I will further boil it down to where might a kid go that will best prepare him for the next level and where is the best competition going to take place that will expose him to the most "next level type players and play". We have continually heard that it goes SEC, ACC, Big 12, PAC 10 and on from there and I'd be very interested and appreciative of either affirmation of that ranking or counter postion rationalization of it. Thanks in advance for any insight and I have been a sideline observer for quite some time and have really learned quite a bit that has helped us along our journey to this point by reading many of the outstanding opinions and posts available on this board. Thanks again.
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Those are generally considered the top conferences and most competitive (top to bottom) with the most talent.

There are other conferences that are very good. Conference USA for one.

I think it is better to look at individual programs rather than conference when it comes to next level possibilities. For example there are programs outside those conferences that have a better track record of producing draft picks than some of the programs in those conferences.

IMO, the individual program is more important than the conference. It just so happens that many of the top individual programs are in the conferences you mentioned... But there are many other top programs outside those top conferences.
Will agree fully with PG and add....

Welcome to the HSBBW as a poster!

Sounds if you are thinking the right thoughts in the selection process in reagrds to academics, financial and family such I will take you at your word on why we should debate conference strength/ego...Loaded question...but one of the beauties of this site is that even though many of the posters have alliances, biases, and rooting interests and you are likely to get a civil but spirited debate about this. Go to any other board and it will likey degenerate into name calling...we won't....I think.

...but before any debate I would also add more, and IMO more important considerations...

I'd add cultural considerations. Culture of both the geographic region, the school and the team itself are pretty important to the success of a player. I know that Stanford uses this with their recruits as a defining factor.

Next, Rather than the conference competition/ego, I'd look at specific schools/coaching staffs and assertain if they had developed players, positions and if they got players drafted. Some schools are known for certain positions.

Additionally, You cannot go wrong from a competitive standpoint no matter which conference attended. Yours will be challenged, yours will be seen, yours will be professionally considered.

I think a family is much better off asking what the differences are between conferences, (schedules, attendance...)and considering why and which ones matter the most to you.

Finally there is no easy or definitive answer no matter what responses you receive. I can safely say that which conference is better and more compeititve varies by year, by time of year, by depth, and in the regionals, super regionals and then in Omaha when anything can happen. One conference might be on top now, and it can flip overnight....much less in three years. Pac 10 is a great example...considered to be VERY down/weak this year, but has produced numerous national champions in the last decade and had a team right to the end this year.

One resource that you ought to review is while it has been accused of being west coast biased, and we will be reminded by someone that any stats can be manipulated to say anything depending upon which ones you prioritize...BUT I would offer that it is the most respected and unbiased statistical view of the collegiate baseball world and should offer some statistical insight available nowhere else.

Good luck!

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44

Good question and interesting topic. I agree with PG that individual programs are a better path to follow for what you are seeking. Nonethless, an intersting topic, so I will offer my view on both.

Here is how I look at the conferences:

1. SEC. Sometimes I think (always actually) that the SEC gets too much credit and is not quite as good as perceived. That said, it is impossible to argue with the results or to ignore the resources put into the programs.

2. Pac 10. There is just too much talent on the West Coast to ignore and the schools seem to be putting more emphasis on baseball all the time. USC has been down lately, but it won't/can's stay that way. Great coaches.

3. ACC/Big 12 tie. Great teams at the top in both leagues but not the depth of the SEC or Pac 10 (weaker programs in both).

All of them are great leagues with great baseball.

As for individual programs, here are my top five (put them in any order you would like):

Arizona State
North Carolina

There you have a Pac 10, a Big 12, an SEC, a Big West and an ACC, therebye validating PG's observation, which, again, I agree with fully.
Last edited by jemaz
In the last several years, I would say that the Big West Conference would rate above the PAC 10 conference. The PAC 10 is living off the past, but the Big West has lately looked better, and I don't see this changing.

Since I have been watching, teams like UCLA and USC keep having these highly ranked recruiting classes, but it sure doesn't show up in the standings.

Think about what you just wrote. The Big West is very, very good and Fullerton will always be among the best in the nation because of the wealth of talent in SoCal. Same with some of the other schools.

That said, without football and the TV swagger and revenue of a BCS conference, the Big West schools simply don't have the resources over time to compete with Pac 10 schools in terms of facilities, coaches and ultimately players (on an overall basis).

The great equalizer, of course, is the 11.7 limit on scholarships. There are lots of talented players out there.
Last edited by jemaz
Thanks for the insight. It's all very good feedback. Maybe this gets a little off topic from my original post (sorry in advance for that) but, to delve a little deeper into one of Observer44's points, how does the attendance differ from conference to conference? Again, disclaimer here . . . we wouldn't or won't pick where our son goes based on how many fannies are in the bleachers (or he won't use that as a major determining factor, I should say) but it is something that would be interesting to hear about from folks who know first hand. Every school sends you pictures of the big Friday night - "in" Conference game - late in the season that is packed so as to affirm their local support and don't bother to send you the "in" state Wednesday afternoon game that is attended by family members and girlfriends . . . I get that and the merits of taking that tact make perfect sense. Regardless, I'm just curious about these types of things more from a fan perspective as I sit here on a Saturday morning. We have been to multiple Big 10 games and MAC games, a few SEC games (only at Kentucky) only and a single Big 12 game in Kansas so our frame of reference is slanted and not significant enough to use as evidence. Thanks for any views.
SEC is number one in attendance by a long ways. LSU, Arkansas, Mississippi State, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama are usually among the top in attendance. LSU #1 in attendance.

Just guessing, but would put the top 4 conferences in this order based on attendance…

1 – SEC
2 – Big 12 or ACC
3 – Big 12 or ACC
4 – PAC 10
Originally posted by justbaseball:
IMO, the individual program is more important than the conference.

I couldn't say it any better than this.

I agree. You also choose a program that is the right "fit" in every category for your player. That fit includes where your player will go to school and earn his degree and prepare him for the future, without baseball.

At the next level, you will find players from all different types of programs and from all different conferences.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
IMO, the individual program is more important than the conference.

I couldn't say it any better than this.

Amen. It comes down to where you actually matriculate, and how that institutions fulfills your needs and vica versa.

There are kids who could easily play in the ACC or other top conferences, who choose smaller D3's for academic or other reasons.

Don't chase labels. Chase the "fit". I know an Area Code player who went out of state not fully considering the fit. He left for his second school in two years, a juco and will have three schools on his resume in three years by next summer. In 10 years he won't remember the first thing about his career and neither will anyone else.
Last edited by Dad04
Originally posted by tbone24:
talking about conferences could anyone give me a info on the missouri valley conference? I know the colleges in it but can anyone give me info on all the baseball programs and how they compare to other teams in other conferences like the big 10?

Not sure if I can compare to Big 10, but here's my opinion based on recent observations and by my Son having been looked at by 4 of the MVC schools.

You would have to say Wichita State is the best program by far! Multiple Conference Championships and NCAA apearances.

Mo State-probably second-best lately? Great facilities, super Coaching staff, great location, favorable Spring weather.

Creighton-great tradition! Solid Coaches, very intense. very good school!

SIU-Good Coaches,good tradition, facilities a bit dated, but solid.

Indiana State-on the rise with solid season, but Head Coach just left last week.

Illinois State-new Coach, new energy. excellent recruiting classes last 2 years.

Evansville-new Coach, too early to tell.

Bradley-struggled lately,not that familiar with program? school has good reputation.

Northern Iowa-just dropped Men's baseball

Drake-doesn't field a team
[QUOTE]Originally posted by jemaz: I will offer my view on both.

Here is how I look at the conferences:

1. SEC.

2. Pac 10.

3. ACC/Big 12 tie. the SEC or Pac 10 (weaker programs in both).

here are my top five (put them in any order you would like):

Arizona State
North Carolina


Here's Final Top 15.

Division I

1 Cal State Fullerton
2 Texas
3 Louisiana State
4 North Carolina
5 Arizona State
6 Virginia
7 Arkansas
8 Texas Christian
9 Georgia Tech
10 Rice
11 Florida
12 Clemson
13 Miami, Florida
14 Mississippi
15 Florida State

In case you missed it, the
# ACC teams in top 15 = six.

I would place SEC & ACC as top baseball
Just remember..FIT, FIT, FIT...if baseball was suddenly taken away would your son still want to be associated with the school. Many of the schools mentioned are Zoo's with some enrollments larger then some major cities. Be careful what you wish for...

Another point - A student's definition of "fit" may be different than the parent's. For example, my son's idea of a perfect fit was a university with an enrollment larger than some cities. He loved the campus atmosphere. But honestly, he would have been in over his head academically. Thankfully, the "perfect fit" did not recruit him and he ended up playing for a smaller school in Dullsville. The small classes and lack of exciting distractions were just what the doctor ordered.
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