What if ordinary effort is just knowing when to stay home? We've had a couple plays this year like this one that result in a controversial hit/error call.
Well struck ground ball in 3-4 hole and both F3 and F4 go after it. F4 does get to it, but by the time he does, F3 is too far off the bag for a throw, and F1 has failed to cover in time. Arguably F3 should know it's F4's ball all the way, esp. as he knows F4 has very good range. Arguably F1 should break toward first on any ball hit to the right side. But anyway, the batter is on first and I score a hit. F1's dad immediately texts me to say no, that's E3. What? Yeah, F3 should not be so aggressive on balls like that for the reasons stated but if that's an E IMHO it should be on F1.