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Originally posted by rz1:
What I liked was the little lefty from OSU who was throwing 83-86 mph and shut down NC. All that went through my mind were some of the pitching "size and velocity" issue posts. It's not all about the size, but it is all about effectivnesss. This series is full of good stories.

First of all, GREAT to meet you last week at the Madison Mallards/St. Cloud River Bats series.

Second, I totally agree with you about Gunderson -- he is a great example of how efficiency and great mechanics can answer size. Watching him pitch on several occasions (from the other side of the field), it is amazing how he is able to use his body as a trajection device to unload the ball as fast as he does. You can visibly see his acceleration when he is in his wind-up. Amazing. Kudos to Oregon State for a great season and an awesome win! Go Pac 10!
Last edited by URKillingMeBlue

Originally posted by LIONS10:
How about Hortons almost steal of home, that was exciting. Great series but its ashame a throwing error decided the game.

That really was exciting.

With two strikes on him, if the batter had not swung I think the pitch would have been called a ball and the run would have scored...totally different ballgame if that would have happened.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
What a game, congrats to both teams!!!

Does anyone have video of Bard pitching? Wow! My son and I were both watching him in amazement. His delivery looks so smooth and easy, it was so surprising to see the gun still reading 97 and 98 mph just after the coach's visit (which makes it upwards of 106 pitches).
I wish they were still playing.....some thoughts...

Two great pitching staffs obviously....guts on display....

An old axiom in baseball was proven last night, the team making the fewest mistakes won the game.

The second baseman wasn't the only one who contributed to UNC's defeat. The third baseman's miscue's yesterday caused the entire defense to be changed last night. UNC's head coach, when interviewed said he was just praying his team could field the bunt last night. Bard was brilliant but made two errors on one bunt. There also was a big baserunning blunder when they had Nickerson on the ropes. Lastly, although the throw was not perfect, I felt the first baseman blundered by not coming off the bag to knock that fateful throw down from the second baseman. He also looked awkward covering the bag to begin with. It's easy to sit here and say they should have done this or that, there was unbelievable pressure to perform last night and one side cracked.

Again, congrats to OSU. What a thrilling CWS and they provided some of the guttiest performances you will ever see.
That "first baseman" was actually their starting catcher. The coach has to expect mistakes to be made by kids playing out of position. They seemed willing to gamble in that regard. And I don't think it was over managing when he went out in the eighth. I don't really know why he went out. If he went out to get Bard he should have taken him out. No way you let the kid talk you out of it once you make the decision. Now it's in Bard's head that the coach wanted me out. He starts over throwing, missing spots. They could have survived the earlier errors and baserunning gaff if he had just LEFT HIM ALONE!
That was not that bad of throw to first.

When that play happened it looked like the throw wasn't terribly wide. Then the first time they replayed it my son yelled "look at his (1st baseman's) feet, he never moved them!!". Sure enough, it certainly appeared that throw should have been handled had the first baseman used proper footwork.

That "first baseman" was actually their starting catcher

That probably has something to do with it.

In any case that was an exciting game, and I'm sure very heartbreaking for UNC to loose it like that. Hopefully some time before too long they'll all realize how great they did to get as far as they did.

Now, unfortunately, there's no more college baseball to watch until next year.
Last edited by StyleMismatch that level of baseball, to have a catcher playing first base is almost unconscionable.

In my opinion, it was the first baseman's fault and I'm sticking to it. The guy can't play first base. Simple as that.

Poor second baseman is going to have nightmares for years because of a guy playing first base that had no business being there in the first place!
Great game, great series and unbelievable pitching by both teams. I was rooting for UNC but OSU simply outplayed them, they didn't make the mistakes UNC did and at least in this series I think the coaching for OSU was better.

I agree the 2nd baseman is going to take the heat on a play that should have been made by the firstbaseman. He looked awkward on several plays earlier and on that play he didn't get back to the bag quickly and his footwork was terrible. I couldn't help but wonder why that young man wasn't the DH instead of playing first. If I recall UNC's DH was batting 9th so rather than dirupting your defense why not keep you regular 1st baseman and use the better bat for offense only.

I do think that Bard got some very bad calls after the visit from Coach Fox. Looked to me like at least three of the balls that were called to the next batter were very good pitches. If the ump calls those pitches correctly we might still be watching the game.

Both teams should be proud of what they accomplished and my guess is UNC will have a very good chance of being back next year.

Congratulations to the Beavers.

Originally posted by Hoovmom15:
It was a great game. I was on the edge of my seat several times shouting at the TV. Congrats to both teams for a superb effort and thanks for giving us great games to watch. I'm just sad it's all over!

And the rest of your family...were they with you? Are they sad, too, that it is over?

This edge of your seat stuff and shouting at the really like doing that...right?

Perhaps we can get you a video tape or DVD of this final CWS series and you can relive the series all year long...won't your family enjoy that!

I was on the edge of my seat several times also...once or twice I was actually levitating above my seat, but I think that had more to do with my choice for dinner, Hot Pockets, than the actual game.

It was a great series and both teams should ultimately be very proud...and if UNC should be so fortunate to be back next year they will have the added benefit that OSU had this year...that being a returning team with CWS experience. It helps.

Again Hoovmom15...welcome aboard the HSBBW...tell a friend, won't you?...and receive our fabulous gift for your recruiting efforts...a 9X5 autographed glossy of MN-Mom hauling in a big, heaping, platter of lutefisk through the ice at Mille Lacs Lake. If you already have a copy of that, and who doesn't?, then we can provide you a rare autographed 9X5 glossy of the HSBBW'S very own comedic duo "Dibble and Hits". Catch their act...they're absolutely catty!

Stay around,'ll be fun!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

Thanks for the great commentary last night...Harold Reynolds is good...very good, but you're the best! You had that home team bias going...something that you'd have expected Harold to do, but he didn't.

I finally talked my neighbor, a single divorced guy, into letting us watch the game on cable last night after the second inning or so...I bribed him with some cold Linenkugel's and pizza from Freddies on 16th St. in Cicero...the best!

My neighbor actually thanked us afterward...he wouldn't have watched it if we hadn't asked. He enjoyed it...he wasn't too happy about me scarfing down a couple of Hot Pockets before the game and the subsequent fireworks...but with that unpleasantness aside he had a very good time.

It really was a great game...and your input was tastes even better the next day as I am re-reading it...thanks EH.
What...and miss the disgusting look on everyone else's face?. Never. It's a free country...I'm not the only one that knows how to unwrap a Hot Pocket. What's with the stiff tube? Seems like unnecessary packaging to me.

Now if only I could figure out the microwave oven...those frozen Hot Pockets wreak havoc on my old, brittle teeth...and I've been told that when cooked they're pretty tasty if you can manage not to totally torch your taste buds with their molten stuffing.

Maybe they could team up with FYR FYTER extinguishers and Bean-o...I'll give 'em a call!

Hello? Hot Pockets? Have I got an idea for you...
Last edited by gotwood4sale

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