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Thoughts on this?

In my opinion,he was living on borrowed time.
The countless times he stuck his head inside alligators,wrestled them,the times when he stuck his wrists inside rattle snakes.

Sad ending,because he had a family.

My god though,did he do some crazy things.
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This news is really sad...our household watches all his shows and noticed just recently how much the Irwin children had grown and how they were just like Crocodile Hunter with their enthusiastic personalities.

He will be missed by many fans but most importantly, by his wife and children.

We should all keep these precious children close to our hearts and also pray for the wife.
Last edited by Shepster
Heard the news last night while biding my late night time. Am very very saddened by the news. When I first became aware of Steve Irwin, I wasn't too sure about him, but it didn't take long before I started enjoying his antics. He was soooo knowledgeable about so many of God's creatures. And obviously loved all of them. My sympathy goes out to his family, and to all who were positively impacted by his life. Rest in peace, Steve Irwin. And may there be a special place in heaven for you.
All of God's creatures, especially those whom are not very cute, have lost an angel. My prayers to his family. I pray that someone will continue his great work for the environment.

Some names become synonomous with the person, Micheal, the Babe, but I will never hear the words "Crikey mate" without thinking of Steve Irwin. His tag line has placed him with the pop culture immortals.
I was shocked to hear the news, we loved him in the TPM household!
The only consolation (if there is a consolation) was he did die doing something that he loved to do. He knew the risks involved in his adventures.
I often ask my husband if our time comes if it will be while watching a baseball game........
Very sad indeed as he was a guy that enjoyed every bit of life, seemed to be just down to earth and it was so apparant that he loved his family deeply and just loved the heck out of his job.........

I would equate him to the Captain Kangaroo of this generation a kind and generous soul that entertained us all and gave us all a reason to smile when we watched him.
Last edited by oldbat-never
My sympathies to his wife, young children, and his family.

Some mixed emotions over this. I also found it entertaining what he did - to a point. Sometimes I wonder if there is point of view that believes that somehow wild animals can be understood well enough to completely predict how they might react in all situations. Sometimes I wonder if Steve himself lost sight of this reality - that living creatures are not always predictable no matter what your comfort level is with them.

Roy Horne almost lost his life with trained tigers a few years back and I am not sure he ever recovered. Another guy was living with bears up in Alaska where he thought he "understood" them until he fell prey to them. I see many foolish things being done around sharks these days.

There needs to be a balance out there. We need courageous people like Steve to help manage and preserve our precious living resources. We also need to balance enthusiasm/comfort toward wild animals with more caution and possibly respect.

RIP - Steve Irwin Frown
Was flipping thru the channels last night when I came upon a Steve Irwin retrospective on Animal Planet. Interestingly enough, he was talking about how the ONLY injuries he's ever received from ANY animal was due entirely to HIS own fault either in over stepping his boundaries or just carelessness. Not sure which of those two sentiments were the cause of his untimely death...from the paper reports it sounds like this was just a freak accident as stingrays are not known to kill people, just hurt them if stepped upon. Either way, it was obvious from his interview that he was deeply enamored of both his wife and his children and I'm sure his death will be felt for the rest of their lives. Very thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and children. RIP.
Thoughts and prayers to the Irwin family. But did this guy not live the ultimate life? As a man and as a father? He was one of the lucky ones who got to do the things he LOVED to do for a living: work with animals, educate, and preach about conservation. It seems that he seized and enjoyed every waking moment of his life. And 10-15 years from now, as his children are entering adulthood, they will carry their fathers lessons with them...Do what you love, love what you do, and commit yourself to something that is bigger than you.

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