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I have a question. My son has been talking to a D2 school's coach- nothing finalized yet but he has had an official visit, etc. He may qualify for some academic money at the D2 school also.

A lot of deadlines are fast approaching for other scholarships outside of the college and the athletic area such as in his proposed major - different companies, etc. For example, there is a KFC scholarship available - now we aren't applying for it (although he does love the Colonel's chicken ) but it is an example. Also, our hs baseball booster club will have some scholarship money available - don't know whether to go through the hassle to apply for these or not.

My question is - does accepting a scholarship from an outside source affect the athletic scholarship or NCAA rules?

I've read the threads on blending scholarships but haven't seen anything addressing this topic.

Thank you!
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When my son and I met with the coach before he signed in Nov., he told us to be careful on what scholarship money we tried to obtain. My son received (or will be receiving in the Fall) both academic and athletic money from the school, no problem there. What he warned us about was receiving outside scholarship money. The main one I recall was the high school booster club money or scholarship. He stated this kind of money would be counted against the schools 11.7 scholarship money and they did not want to do that. There were some other examples he mentioned as well but I cannot recall exactly what. I would talk to the coach and find out what your son can and cannot do.
Last edited by Danny Boydston
I don't recall what the guidelines were but we had to disclose on a school/ncaa form any awards or scholarships received during hs. I believe the issue was any money awarded for or from his participation as a baseball player. If the award was given and particiapation in baseball/athletics was not a requirement, I believe these were OK. The compliance department will sort it all out.
Originally posted by curveball07:
A lot of deadlines are fast approaching for other scholarships outside of the college and the athletic area such as in his proposed major

I don't know the answer to your question but would think it would be easier to apply and then sort it out afterwards if he's awarded the money. If, for some reason, it would not be allowed by the academic institution, then politely decline the award. Otherwise, you may be scrambling to find funds or will need to take out loans.
At the time son signed I was working at American Express that awards scholarships to our children based on academics and need, up to 4K a semester.
I inquired and this is the answer I got. Any money awarded for baseball is immediately taken off the top of the scholarship, and counted in the 11.7, if it is baseball money. Since my son's scholarship was all athletic, that money from my work would NOT be taken off, however would have to be disclosed later on and COULD affect his scholarship money or any waivers. This was for a D1 school.

Asking coaches is not a good solution, because they really don't know. Best thing to do is contact compliance if your son has signed at a school for details or just call compliance at a school he is thinking of attending.

The money he may receive for extra may not become extra in the end.
Do your homework.
Last edited by TPM
My son too will be receiving both academic and athletic scholarship money from the University of Toledo. His HS had also nominated him for some scholarships, some based on his valedectorian status, others on athletic achievements, I made copies of each scholarship and forwarded them to the athletic compliance office at U of T. within 2 days they had returned answers as to each offer as to what could and could not be accepted. The "best" answer seems to be, apply (you don't want to miss a deadline) but send a copy to the school's compliance director before accepting. Don't want to start out on the wrong foot by putting a school over the scholarship allotment.
As part of NLI process, son signed a separate "Athletic Financial Aid Agreement" with the school. One clause says that his scholarship is contingent upon "not accepting any other financial aid (university, private or otherwise) without receiving PRIOR written approval from the Athletic Director. Otherwise, you and you respective team may be in violation of NCAA Grant-in-Aid are required to provide written documentation of any outside scholarships that you receive." Goes on to require a letter from the awarding organization specifying the criteria for the scholarship. Son got a couple of small scholarships from service organizations, so we had to go through this process. Think they are simply trying to make sure that the outside scholarships are not "back-door" baseball money, e.g., from the Alumni Athletic Booster Club.
Here's what we encountered last year at our son's school...

We were told that any other scholarships would count against the baseball team. To us, this meant that we shouldn't pursue anything else. The athletic scholarship from the baseball dept. and the academic University Scholarships (from within the university itself, based on test scores) were OK.

This was a little hard for us to swallow since our son was eligible for more outside money, but we did what the baseball program suggested. I still wish we had that extra money when son chose a private room and the unlimited meal ticket, increasing his costs! Have you looked at the fees a college student pays? More money is always welcome! At my son's school, if you're over-funded you are even allowed a one-time computer purchase, using the scholarship money.
HSBBWeb Old Timer

Posted January 05, 2007 12:17 PM Hide Post
You're getting good advice.
Check with compliance before accepting.
For D1, academic 'ships don't count as athletic if - top 10 % of class
a core-course GPA of at least 3.5
min. 105 ACT or 1200 SAT (two sections, e.g. 1600 scale)"

Is this true at all Division One's or does this vary from school to school?
My son is a freshman at a D1 school. We had asked the compliance officer that question. His answer was that if the scholarship was for athletic ability or for being an athlete then any money accepted would be subtracted from the school's athletic contribution. The question came up when he applied for the "Got Milk" Scholarship competition. They were looking for athletes and would use their image and name in advertizing. The scholarship is $5,000 so it would be a big deal for most people. The scholarships that he applied for in his major, or as an Eagle Scout, do not count against the athletic scholarships.

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