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Surfdog, when the school wants your son's transcripts they are semi serious. If you are getting letters that say, "We've heard about you and all the great things you've done on the field and classroom", they are fishing.

When head coach calls your son, then they are serious. We got our hopes up, with the big schools, but in the end we accepted a good offer at a JC.
Hi Surfdog: Welcome to HSBBW. you'll find lots of information here to help you. Your son is a junior and looks like he's got his academics package in good order. And it also sounds like he's playing well. What will happen next, in terms of colleges contacting him, is unknown. What will help you son make decisions about colleges, if and when they initiate real contact, is what HE wants in a college. You could start by making a few simple lists with him. Where would he like to live? Home or away? Does the idea of a large campus with lots of students appeal to him? Or would something smaller be better. Think in terms of what his high school experience has been like. Does he really want a big change in how he goes to classes i.e. big impersonal classes, etc? What kind of degree does he want to work towards? If he's unsure, and baseball is #1, then he'll like get steered toward some kind of business program or sports management (as those classes generally fit better with athletics)? How much money can you afford, if baseball money isn't enough (it never is). Factor in travel money for coming home, etc. Lastly, you should have a list of "for sure" colleges i.e. the ones you KNOW he'll get into on academics alone or in combo with baseball, the "maybes" colleges i.e. ones that would be a great baseball opportunity but maybe hard on the budget, and the "long shots" i.e. generally your fantasy schools.
By all means, he should reply to the emails and start keeping track of who has called/emailed (times, names and dates). We started a spread sheet so that if anybody called, we'd know who they were and where they were calling from. We had copies of all his test scores, grades and a baseball profile ready to go if anybody asked. At this point, you do alot of busy work and organizational. In my mind, this was pretty much parental work or secretary work...let my kid worry about school, life and baseball. ANd I always say this in most of my posts: your son needs to do a little "homework" on himself, too. check that facebook...if you don't think your parents would like what they see, you can bet a coach won't like it either. Check your outgoing greeting on your cellphone: your friends might think it's funny, but if you want a coach to take you seriously, get a serious greeting that states your full name, too! It's a business now, if you're a serious recruit.

Good luck!!
dannymac is correct about the phone calls.

For written correspondence and D1:
13.4.1 recruiting Materials. In sports other than men’s basketball and men’s ice hockey, a member institution shall not provide recruiting materials, including general correspondence related to athletics, to an individual (or his or her parents or legal guardians) until September 1 at the beginning of his or her junior year in high school.

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