Maybe it is just me, but recently I have seen links provided on this site for scouting and rating information on players.
One link was done by the scouting site itself. The link included the home address and other personal information for the player.
Right now, I have a link open from what a parent posted and provided. As I check the link, I find another internet scouting site where I am accessing copies of high school transcripts, and the personal information they include, along with other such personal information like addresses, etc.
This is a great site filled with great people.
That does not mean everyone who frequents the site does so for the reasons we do.
Identity theft is among my concerns, but not the only ones when I see how easily personal information of where a player lives and equally very sensitive information, like school transcripts, can be accessed if a link to an internet scouting site is provided.
If I am over-reacting, please let me know. If not, please make sure the privacy of players, and parents, does not get lost in the name of marketing your son for a darn college scholarship.
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