I wanted to know how this has worked for others on the board who might have experienced this.
The athletic offer is 40%. For simplicity, we'll just deal with the tuition portion of the equation. The student also meets the criteria for a waiver of the portion of tuition above in-state rates.
Resident rate is $8k. Non-resident rate is $18k. Since this is a waiver and not a scholarship, does the athletic scholarship percentage kick in before or after the waiver is applied? So, does it cover 40% of the 18K ($7,200), then apply the waiver of $10k, leaving less than $1k in tuition? Or, rather does the athletic scholarship only cover 40% of $8k?
I ask because I got a different answer from admissions than I got from the coaching staff. Before I got into it, I thought I'd check with more experienced people as to what is the universal norm.