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Not going to share any "earth shattering" information here, but thought I'd mention the things I have done over the years to promote sound outfield play.

I'm assuming you are looking for drills for high schoolers? If so, here goes.

1. Make OFers feel like they are important! They need to know that an error by them will cost two bases, not one like an IFer. This will happen if they are made to run bases all practice. Expect alot out of your OFers, but only if you invest alot in their practice time.

2. They need to field ground balls like everyone else. Have them take a spot in the IF and let them do the IF drills with the rest of the team.

3. Once they are in the OF, drill the things that happen all the time. Not the things that rarely happen (ie. fence drill, do or die, etc...). Not saying you shouldn't practice fence communication, but a couple of minutes each day is plenty.

4. Teach them to field groundballs based on the situation and playing surface. With no one on, or with poor OF conditions, getting in front of the ball, even dropping to a knee, is good practice. With runners on base, they need to field the ball more like an IFer. They need to learn the proper technique for crow hopping (I like to overexagerate the crow hop at all times).

Kids calling me...I'll be back.
Outfielder's Daily Dozen

1) Range extensions: Feet planted, thrown to extremes so player really has to reach. 5 in each direction
2) Dives: progress from knees, to standing, to walking, to jogging. Thrown to farthest reachable. 3 each side & center
3) Three ball dive drill: throw to Left-throw to right- Diver Left.
4) Over shoulder quarterbacks: 3 each way, L-R-Center. Turn toward throwing side if directly over.
5) Quarterback switches(bad reads): 3 Each way L-R
6) Line Drives: players start by running in.
7) Fly ball set up: footwork
8) Groundballs regular:
9) Groundballs do or die:
10) Groundball gappers: work reverse pivots
11) Communication: two fielders at once, one is designated as CF, ball thrown between.

OK, there's only eleven, but we call it the daily dozen. These are run every day we run defense. It takes 40-45 min with just the OF.
Probably our favorite one is what I call a 4 cone drill:
We make a large square with 4 cones in the Outfield
Then put a group of 2 or 3 guys at each cone. Now have a coach hit fungos into the center of the square and the guys take turns running and making catches. After you make a play you just go get in a line that is conveinent to where you are when you've caught the ball... They get practice catching from all the different angles, ground balls, lazy flies, bullets, etc... however you feel like hitting them.... The bigger you make your square the more running involved... younger kids will need a smaller square (your varsity outfield can get a pretty good workout quickly)
Our kids seem to like this one, you can incorporate a throw with it or not.
Good luck.... I'll be reading for more drills on this line also....

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